2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook

Whom to See About What

(Area code 740)

Academic Records

Records Office

 211 Irvine Adm. Building  376-4723

Academic Resource Center (ARC)

 Andrews Hall, 3rd floor  376-4700

Academic Standards Committee Petitions

Records Office

 211 Irvine Adm. Building


Academic Status

Records Office

 211 Irvine Adm. Building


Admission, Undergraduate

Office of Admission

 Admissions House


Admissions Tests for Graduate Study

Career Center

 Gilman Center


Advancement Office

 301 Irvine Adm. Building


Advanced Placement Credit

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Advisor, Change of

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723



Basement Irvine Adm. Building 376 376-4709

Automobile Registration

Marietta College Police Department

Gathering Place Annex 376-4611

Bills, Payment of

Student Accounts

209 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4619

Campus Writing Center

221 Thomas Hall 376-4651

Caps and Gowns

Barnes and Noble Bookstore

Gilman Center, Upper 376-4677

Career Services

Career Center

Gilman Center 376-4645

Catalog, Marietta College

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Check Cashing

Cashier’s Office

209 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4726

Clubs and Organizations

Office of Campus Involvement

111 Andrews Hall 376-4784


Information Technology

Irvine Adm. Building Lower 376-4615

Counseling, Academic

Faculty Advisor or Provost

Irvine Adm. Building 376-4741

Counseling, Personal

Dr. J. Michael Harding Center for Health and Wellness

Harrison Hall 376-4477

Course Schedule Changes

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Courses Taken Elsewhere

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Declaration of Major

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Deferred Payments, Student Accounts

Student Accounts

209 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4619

Degree Audits

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Dining Services


Gilman Center 376-4786


Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Examinations Schedule, Changes

Office of Academic Affairs

Irvine Adm. Building


Facilities, Use of

Conference Services

312 Putnam St. 376-4735

Faculty Advisor, Change of

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Financial Aid

Student Financial Services

206 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4712

Fraternity Information

Office of Campus Involvement

111 Andrews Hall 376-4784

Grade Reports

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Grading Practices

Office of Academic Affairs

Irvine Adm. Building 376-4741

Graduate Programs:

Master of Arts in Psychology (M.A.P.)

Ryan May

Mills Hall 376-4767

Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (M.S.P.A.S.)

M. Collins

208 3rd St. 376-4458

Graduate School Information

Departmental Advisor, or Career Center

Gilman Center, Upper 376-4645


Student Financial Services

206 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4712

Greek Life

Office of Campus Involvement

111 Andrews Hall 376-4784

Help Desk

Information Technology 376-4860 or 855-376-4860

Hometown News Releases

Communication and Brand Management

Follett House 376-4717

Honors Programs

Dave Brown

Rickey 161B 376-4916

Housing Questions

Office of the Dean of Students

106 Andrews Hall 376-4784

I.D. Cards

College Police Department

Gathering Place Annex 376-3333

Instruction and Grading

Office of Academic Affairs

Irvine Adm. Building


Intercollegiate Athletics

Athletic Director

Dyson Baudo Recreation Center 376-4667

International Programs

Education Abroad

214 Thomas Hall 376-4708

Intramural Sports

Intramural Director

Dyson Baudo Recreation Center 376-4612

Job Placement, Seniors and Alumni

Career Center

Gilman Center 376-4645

Late Registration

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Leave of Absence/Withdrawal

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376 376-4723

Loans, Student Emergency Loan

Vice President for Student Life

102 Andrews Hall 376 376-4736

Loans, Short or Long Term

Student Financial Services

206 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4712

Lost and Found

Marietta College Police Department

Gathering Place Annex 376-3333

Mail Service

Mail room

Gilman Center 376 376-4617

Major/Minor, Changes of

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Miller Analogies Test (MAT)


101 Erwin Hall 376-4717

Multicultural Affairs

Office of Student Life

111 Andrews Hall 376-4505

News Releases

Communication and Brand Management

Follett House 376-4717

Newspaper, Student

The Marcolian

220 McKinney 376-4555

Organizations and Clubs, Student

Office of Campus Involvement

111 Andrews Hall 376-4784

Parking Permits, Parking Tickets

Marietta College Police Department Gathering

Place Annex 376-3333

Payroll, Student

Student Employment

206 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4510


Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Printing, Off Campus

Communication and Brand Management

Follett House 376-4717

Printing, On Campus


Gilman Student Center 376-4610

Purchasing for College Organizations

Controller’s Office

209 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4613


Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Recreation Center

Dyson Baudo Recreation Center

Welcome Desk 376 376-4554

Registration Information, Academic

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Room Assignments

Office of the Dean of Students

106 Andrews Hall 376-4784


Student Financial Services

206 Irvine Adm. Building 376 376-4712

Social Events Calendar

Office of Campus Involvement

111 Andrews Hall 376-4784

Sorority Information

Office of Campus Involvement

111 Andrews Hall 376-4784

Student Accounts

Controller’s Office

209 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4619

Student Employment

Student Financial Services

206 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4510

Student Senate

Andrews Hall 376-4418

Study Abroad Programs

Education Abroad

214 Thomas Hall 376-4708

Summer Classes


210 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4740

Summer Conferences

Auxiliary Services

312 Putnam Street 376-4380

Teacher Certification


101 Erwin Hall 376-4794


Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Transfer Credits

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Veterans Administration

Student Financial Services

206 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4512

Washington Semester

M. Tager

316 Thomas Hall 376 376-4898

Withdrawal from College

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376 376-4723

Withdrawal from Course

Records Office

211 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4723

Work Study

Student Financial Services

315 Irvine Adm. Building 376-4712

Writing Center

 206 Thomas Hall  376-4651