2020-2021 Catalog and Student Handbook
College Penalties for Multiple Offenses
- If the Provost’s record shows that this is not the first sustained complaint of academic dishonesty, the student is liable for a College penalty. The letter from the Provost to the student will also specify that this is not the student’s first offense.
- The Provost will request that the Associate Provost review the current and earlier complaints and make a recommendation to the Provost for a College penalty that will be in addition to the penalties exacted by each instructor. This may range from a grade of F for the course, to restrictive probation, to suspension for a specific number of semesters, to expulsion.
- The Provost will confer with the Associate Provost and make a decision on the College penalty.
- The Provost will convey the College penalty to the student in writing.
- The student may appeal the College penalty by appealing the charge as described in Appeals Procedure for Charges of Academic Dishonesty within one month of having received the Provost’s letter.