2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook

SPTM 487 Capstone Project

This course is designed for students who do not proceed into the Master of Athletic Training program and will be used to satisfy the capstone requirement for the Sports Medicine major. Students will choose a topic of interest related to previous coursework in the Sports Medicine major and will develop a research critical analysis of the topic of using an Evidence Based approach in a PICO format (Patient/Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome). Students will present their findings to Sports Medicine Department faculty and students at the end of the semester. In addition to the critical analysis, students will complete 25 hours of observation in an area of their interest. These areas could include but are not limited to the following; cardiac rehabilitation, cardiac stress testing, person training (YMCA), nutritionist.




Senior standing


Open only to students completing the Sports Medicine Major without continuing into the Master of Athletic Training program.