Withdrawing from courses after the drop period
Students may not withdraw from the Pioneer Path courses PIO 101, 102, and 201; WRIT 102 College Composition, COMM 203 Fundamentals of Communication, or FYE 112 Cultural Transitions. Any exception to this policy can be made only by the Associate Provost for the Undergraduate Curriculum for PIO 101, 102, or FYE 112, the chair of the Department of English for WRIT 101/102, and the chair of the Department of Communication for COMM 203.
A student has the option to withdraw from any courses except those noted above. Students who wish to withdraw from a course after the second week of classes must discuss with their academic advisor the implications of the planned withdraw. If the student still wishes to withdraw from the course, an email should be sent to the course instructor, the academic advisor, and the Records Office (records@marietta.edu). The student email and the advisor response confirming that they have been consulted must be received by 5:00PM EST for a grade of W to be assigned. If this is done after the October 16, a grade of WF will be assigned. The course and grade will appear on the student’s transcript. Refer to the section on Grading System for more details.
For any physical education courses meeting weeks of the semester, the add/drop/withdrawal periods will be prorated by the chair of the Department of Health and Physical Education. For other courses meeting fewer than the normal length of the semester, the add/drop/withdrawal periods will be pro-rated by the Registrar of the College. Students should refer to the course syllabus or contact the Records Office for specific dates.