2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Endowed Scholarships

Students who receive Marietta College grants and/or scholarships may also be eligible for named endowed scholarships. Through the generous donations of friends, alumni, and corporations, Marietta College is able to offer a robust financial assistance program. There are no separate applications for endowed scholarships. A named endowed scholarship may be included in your grant and/or scholarship award and does not increase or change the total amount awarded. Scholarships are awarded to students who meet the criteria specific to each fund.

The following scholarships are funded through grants and bequests placed in the permanent endowment fund of the College (or in separate trusts) and annual gifts by the alumni and friends of the College. Their annual income is used to provide assistance to students with financial need and/or scholastic achievement as described.

The Charlotte Manning Abercrombie '37 Scholarship was established in memory of Charlotte Manning Abercrombie in 2012. Scholarship recipients must be full-time, degree-seeking students in good academic standing.

The Adamson-Flesher Scholarship was established in 1968 by the late Drs. William Ray and Marie Adamson Flesher, graduates of the College in the Classes of 1930 and 1927, respectively, and both honorary degree recipients in 1968. Income from the fund provides awards to selected students preparing for the field of public-school teaching, and whose academic standing is in the upper 10 percent of the junior class with reasonable participation in college-approved campus activities. Recipients shall be known as Adamson-Flesher Scholars. The fund is in memory of the donors’ parents: John Everett and Belle Berentz Adamson and Arthur Boreman and Susan Smith Flesher.

The Maydell Alderman Scholarship Fund was established in 1982 from a bequest by the late Miss Alderman in order to assist residents of Morgan County, Ohio, who are full-time students at the College. Miss Alderman was a resident of McConnelsville, Ohio.

The Cosmo “Gus” Allegretti ‘51 Memorial Scholarship was established by the estate of Cosmo Allegretti to be awarded to an incoming freshman student with a grade point average of 3.0 and a major in a course of study in the Art Department. The scholarship is renewable annually provided the recipient maintains at least a 2.6 cumulative grade point average and continues to make satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree.

The Alumni Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1976 by the Alumni Council with an initial bequest from Howard E. Beebout of the Class of 1925. Income from the fund is to aid worthy and needy students.

The J. Lawrence Amos Scholarship was established in 1984 by the late Dr. J. Lawrence Amos, Class of 1928, of Midland, Michigan. Dr. Amos was granted an honorary Doctor of Science degree by Marietta College in 1966. The income from this fund is used to aid worthy students.

The Mary Jane Sherrard Amos and Charles R. “Dick” Amos ’59 Scholarship Fund was established in 2001 by friends of Mrs. Amos and her husband Dick Amos, the first person to graduate from Marietta College while attending evening classes and receiving a B.A. degree in Business. The income from this scholarship is to be awarded annually to a non-traditional student in the

Continuing Education program or its equivalent. First preference is given to residents of Wood County, West Virginia; second preference to residents of Washington County, Ohio.

The Mary Jane and Charles R. (Dick) Amos ’59 Endowment was established by Dick Amos in 2004 to assist new or current students with the purchase of text books. The grants will be administered by the Financial Aid office to students who have demonstrated financial need.

The Mark R. Amstutz Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1976 by the A-F Scholars Club (recipients of the Adamson-Flesher Scholarships), with the encouragement and financial assistance of the late Dr. Marie Adamson Flesher and her husband, the late Dr. William Ray Flesher, graduates of the College in the Classes of 1927 and 1930, respectively. Mr. Amstutz was a member of the A-F Scholars Club and the Class of 1977. Annual income from the fund provides a scholarship for a man or woman of the junior class. Selection of the award recipients shall be made by the College’s Department of Education. Recipients must be in the upper one-third of the junior class who are preparing to teach at the elementary level, with reasonable participation in College-approved campus activities of other than a purely curricular nature.

The Alice Coffin Arnold Fund of 1987 was left by Mrs. Arnold, of Lakeside, Ohio, to be used for student scholarship or loan purposes.

The Gertrude Griffin Babb Scholarship Fund was established in 1975 by the late Wiggs N. Babb and Gertrude Griffin Babb of Dallas, Texas. It memorializes Mrs. Babb, Class of 1908. Income from the fund is used to assist worthy and industrious students.

The Bank One, Marietta, N. A., Scholarship Fund was established by that firm under its former name in 1985. Income provides scholarships for Marietta area high school graduates attending the College.

The David A. Bartlett Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1975 through gifts of relatives and friends of this long-time trustee (1956-1975) and generous benefactor of Marietta College. Income from the fund is to provide scholarships for needy and worthy students majoring in petroleum engineering.

The William M. Batten Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1979 by Mr. Batten, a native of Reedy, West Virginia, and an honorary alumnus of the College in the Class of 1965. The endowed fund provides scholarships for worthy and needy students.

The David E. Beach Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in 1977 from contributions from the family and friends of this Marietta College alumnus of the Class of 1923. He was a son of Professor Arthur G. Beach, who taught English literature at the College for 21 years. Income from this endowed fund is used to aid worthy Marietta students.

The David Edwards Beach Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1999 by Arthur J. and Gracie Beach of Columbus, Ohio, and Walter E. Beach of Washington, DC. Prof. David Edward Beach was the Chair of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Marietta College from 1869 to 1888. He was the father of Arthur Granville Beach, professor at Marietta College who wrote A Pioneer College: The Story of Marietta. The purpose of this fund is to provide scholarship assistance to an outstanding junior or senior student with a major in the Humanities (English, Philosophy, Religion, or Modern Languages).

The Martha Stewart Daker Bedilion Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1972 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Barrett and the late Mr. John W. Daker, the brother-in-law, the sister, and the brother of the late Mrs. Bedilion, a 1922 graduate of Marietta College. Mrs. Bedilion served the College in various capacities from 1951 to 1966, first in the Admissions Office and later in the office of the Dean of Men. Income from the fund is to be used to aid worthy Marietta College students.

The Harry H. Beren Scholarship Fund was established in 1990 under the will of the late Mr. Beren of Marietta, Ohio, in memory of Adolph Beren, Class of 1918, and in honor of Israel Henry Beren, Class of 1926. The fund income is to be used for worthy and needy students in the Edwy R. Brown Department of Petroleum Engineering.

The Louise Clark Bethel Mathematics and Science Scholarship Fund was established in 1991 by Mrs. Bethel, Class of 1925, a retired school teacher. The income from the fund provides tuition, fees, and books for seniors at Marietta High School who rank high in mathematics and science and would not otherwise be able to attend Marietta College.

M. Dean and Jeanette W. Binegar Scholarship was established to provide encouragement and financial assistance to academically superior students from southeastern Ohio who also have documented financial need. Jeanette Williams Binegar was born in 1928 and raised in Bartlett, Ohio. Her husband Dean was a member of the Class of 1950 and received his degree in Geology. If the requirement for students from southeastern Ohio cannot be met, any students who meets the other two requirements may receive this scholarship. This scholarship is renewable.

The William Bruce Blackburn Memorial Fund was established in 1974 by his widow, Frances, emerita assistant professor of English at Marietta College, and their three sons, Alan, Douglas, and James, each an alumnus of the College. Professor Blackburn (1903-1968) taught psychology at Marietta College for more than 40 years and served as chairman of the department. Income from the fund aids a worthy junior or senior psychology major who has demonstrated ability in quantitative methods.

The George W. Blymyer Scholarship Fund, established in 1949 by a bequest from the estate of George W. Blymyer, Jr., Class of 1893, provides an annual grant of $500 preferably to a member of the senior class in any high school in Richland County, Ohio. However, the award may be made to other Ohioans if there is no candidate from that county. The grant will be renewed each year so long as the recipient maintains a B average.

The Alan Adrian Hardwick Boggs Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 by Alan D., Class of 1951 and Susan Boggs, in memory of their son Alan. The fund provides assistance to a deserving student pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Petroleum Engineering with a preference to be given to a fourth-year student with the highest grade-point average in the humanities.

The Edward N. Bonnett and Virginia D. Bonnett Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1984 with a gift from R. Steven Bonnett, a graduate of the Class of 1968 and son of the late Mr. Bonnett. The income from the fund provides scholarship aid to worthy and needy students from West Virginia.

The Jules Bourmorck and Julia Bourmorck Staats Memorial Scholarship was established in 1989 by Julia B. Staats, Class of 1944 and Alfreda B. Rhoades, sisters of Mr. Bourmorck, and by Howard M. Schmidt, a friend, to provide scholarship support to a worthy and deserving junior or senior student majoring in the Department of Business & Economics. Mr. Bourmorck was a 1948 graduate of Marietta College.

The Francis D. Boyle Scholarship Fund was established in 1989 by the will of his widow, Hildreth M. Boyle of Boca Raton, Florida, in memory of her husband, Class of 1919. The income from this fund is given annually to one or more students in support of their attendance at Marietta College.

The Robert L. Brace Memorial Scholarship was established in 1988 under the will of the late Mr. Brace, Class of 1955, of Montgomery, Texas. Administered by the Department of Petroleum Engineering, the income from the fund provides assistance to a deserving undergraduate student majoring in petroleum engineering.

The Clarence (Cab) and Frances Melton Britton Memorial Scholarship was established in 2001 by the estate of Clarence Britton ’36. The scholarship may be awarded to a sophomore, junior or senior undergraduate student majoring in a discipline offered in the Department of Business & Economics or the Department of Petroleum Engineering. Recipients must have and maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Preference will be given to a student from Kanawha County, West Virginia, the city of Marietta, or any other county of West Virginia.

The Carl L. Broughton Scholarship was established in 1996 by the McDonough Foundation in Parkersburg, W.Va. The annual income from the fund provides scholarships to students who have completed their first semester at Marietta College, have successfully completed their first leadership course, and have been accepted into the Leadership Program. The goal of the scholarship is to encourage superior students to enter the world of business and participate in programs for business through The McDonough Center for Leadership and Business. The scholarship honors Carl L. Broughton, retired chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Broughton Foods Company in Marietta. A member of the College’s Board of Trustees for 40 years, Mr. Broughton served as its vice chairman and chairman and helped raise more than $20 million for the institution as chairman of three major fund drives. He received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the College in 1975, and was elected Trustee Emeritus in 1990. Mr. Broughton died in 1996.

The Carl L. and Elizabeth Broughton Scholarship was established in 1980 by Mr. Broughton, a longtime member of the Board of Trustees, and his wife Elizabeth Sugden Broughton, Class of 1934,. The annual income from the fund provides scholarships for students who are Ohio or West Virginia residents. Qualities of scholarship, leadership in extracurricular activities, and/or financial need are considered when making the awards.

The Ronald (Ron) F. Carlson Leadership Experiential Education Endowment supports the McDonough Center for Leadership and Business students who seek activities outside the classroom. Awards shall be based on the following guidelines: leadership students may be pursuing any major at Marietta College; individual awards will be used to defray expenses incurred to attend a relevant leadership conference, an approved internship, study abroad, undergraduate research project or service project.

The Ellen Buell Cash Scholarship was created by a bequest from Ellen Buell Cash, Class of 1926, and noted children’s book editor. The award provides scholarships to current students in financial need.

The Chapin Scholarship, formerly The Chapin Prize, is awarded to a student in good standing progressing toward a degree, a component of which includes study abroad and/or study of a foreign language. Should the College reinstate a program granting a degree in foreign languages, students in such programs will be given priority.

The Roger Chapin Memorial Petroleum Engineering Scholarship was established in loving memory of Roger Chapin to support petroleum engineering students at Marietta College. This scholarship is awarded to full-time, degree-seeking students in need of financial assistance in the petroleum engineering program.

The Robert W. Chase Scholarship was established in 2018 as a surprise to honor Dr. Robert Chase's 37 years of service to Marietta College as the Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering and Geology. During his time at Marietta College, Bob was passionate about internships leading to full-time employment and SPE affiliation. The scholarship was endowed by the Petroleum Engineering and Geology Industry Advisory Committee and the departmental faculty and staff. The scholarship is awarded annually at the recommendation of the Department Chair, preferably to a rising senior Petroleum Engineer Major who is actively involved in the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Preference is given to those students who have completed an internship in the field.

The Wen-Yu (Frank) Cheng Scholarship is awarded to the rising senior student majoring in the Department of Business & Economics with the highest cumulative grade point average. The recipient need not demonstrate financial need. The scholarship fund was created in 1998 by alumni to honor Professor Emeritus Wen-Yu “Frank” Cheng.

Gifts from the Classes of 1929, 1934, 1936, 1959 and 1974 created a fund, the income from which provides scholarships for Marietta College students.

The Class of 1964 Scholarship Fund was established in 1989 in recognition of the 25th reunion of the class. The income from the fund provides scholarship support for worthy and needy students.

The Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship was established in 2021 by the Class of 1971 Reunion Committee and fellow classmates. Funds from this endowment are used to support a student who demonstrates financial need.

The Sherrill and Betty Cleland Scholarship Fund was established by personal gifts from the College’s trustees in honor of the decade (1973-1983) of service to the College by President and Mrs. Cleland as of the time of the fund’s creation in 1983. Mrs. Cleland died in 1986.

The Samuel H. and Dorothy Breed Clinedinst Foundation, established in 1961, provides financial aid for needy and worthwhile students within the amount of income from a trust for such purposes.

The Emmett Lee and Susie B. Coleman Scholarship Fund was established in 1975 from a bequest by the late Mrs. Coleman of Corpus Christi, Texas. Mr. Coleman was a member of the Class of 1892. Proceeds of the fund are used to aid worthy and needy students.

The Dr. Cranston C. and Dr. Tammy Suter Christopher Endowed Scholarship was established in 2020 by Cranston C. Christopher, Jr. ’84 and Tammy Suter Christopher ’85 to assist deserving and worthy students from West Virginia. The scholarship shall be awarded to a student(s) from the state of West Virginia with preference given to students who are determined to be excited, motivated, mature, and serious toward learning at the time of admission to Marietta College. Student(s) who demonstrate need but are not receiving a Pell Grant should be given preference.

The Anya R. Crum-Huie Education Scholarship was established in memory of Anya Crum-Huie by her family and friends. The scholarship is aimed to keep Anya's legacy and her love of Marietta alive and together. The scholarship is awarded annually to a student pursuing a degree in education who is in good academic standing as defined by the College.

The Robert M. Cunningham Petroleum Engineering Scholarship was established in 1989 by Jane Cunningham in memory of her husband, a member of the Class of 1960 and a career employee of Halliburton Services. The scholarship is awarded annually to a junior or senior petroleum engineering major who, in the opinion of a selection committee of three faculty members, including the Department of Petroleum Engineering chair, “best represents the entrepreneurial spirit and creative energy which characterized the founders of the nation’s petroleum industry.” Grade point average is not a consideration.

The Beverly Barrett Dahms, M.D. Endowed Scholarship was established in 2020 by Beverly Barrett Dahms ’64. The scholarship is designated to support a student(s) demonstrating financial need and high academic achievement, shown by a GPA of 3.5 or above. The student should indicate intent to pursue an advanced degree in the medical field, especially an interest in attending medical school as a first preference. Second preference is to a student interested in pursuing an advanced degree in the study of one of the life sciences pertinent to Biology.

The Russell D. Daugherty and Doris L. Daugherty Family Scholarship was established in 2019 from the Russell D. Daugherty Trust. The purpose of the scholarship is to provide educational funds to students attending Marietta College. Scholarship recipients must be full-time, degree-seeking students in good academic standing.

The Doy C. Deem Scholarship Fund was established in 1990 by Mr. Deem, Class of 1952, an oil and gas consultant residing in Wichita, Kansas. Income from the fund aids worthy and needy students in petroleum engineering.

The DeLancey Memorial Fund was established in 1976 by Mrs. Floy W. DeLancey in memory of her husband, Dr. Blaine Morrison DeLancey, Class of 1923, and their son, Dr. Robert W. DeLancey, a member of the Class of 1947. Both father and son taught English at the university level. Income from the fund provides scholarship assistance to the outstanding senior majoring in English literature.

The Cornelius E. Dickinson Fund was established in 1913 by friends in memory of the late Rev. Dr. Cornelius E. Dickinson, a trustee of the College from 1888 to 1908. Others who have contributed to this scholarship included his grandson, the late Edward A. Metcalf, Class of 1912, Reverend Dickinson’s granddaughter, Miriam Dickinson, Class of 1929, and his great grandson, Edward A. Metcalf III.

The Bob Duggan ’59 Distinguished Scholarship was established in 2005 in memory of Robert D. Duggan, Class of 1959, by his wife, Omah C. Duggan, son, Michael P. Duggan, Class of 1980, and daughter-in-law, Joanne Edwards Duggan, Class of 1981. The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students majoring in the Department of Business & Economics, who demonstrate financial need, with preference given to students with a grade point average of at least 3.0 (or its equivalent.)

The Dyer Chemistry Scholarship Fund was established in 1982 by M. Dean Dyer, Class of 1934, to honor the memory of Professors E. L. Krause and E. B. Krause and the tradition of excellence in teaching in the Department of Chemistry of the College. Recipients must have completed their junior year and be chemistry majors. Annual income from this endowed fund is awarded as a partial tuition grant for the recipient’s senior year at Marietta.

The Gladyne Goddard Dyer Scholarship Fund was established in 1979 to memorialize an alumna of the Class of 1936. Income from the fund is awarded at the end of each academic year to the Sigma Kappa sorority junior with the highest scholastic rating for the prior three years. The award is a partial tuition grant for the recipient’s senior year at Marietta.

The Julia Todd Earley and Robert B. Earley Scholarship was established through the estate of Robert B. Earley, Sr., Class of 1952. This scholarship may be awarded to academically superior students with first preference to students whose majors are either Theatre Arts or Entrepreneur Studies. Students must demonstrate financial need.

The Nathan Elbert Eddy and Clara Griffith Eddy Scholarship Fund was established in 1956 by their children, the late Dr. Bernice Eddy Wooley, Class of 1924; the late Dr. Ralph W. Eddy, Class of 1927; Dr. Ford E. Eddy, Class of 1930; and Mrs. Thelma Eddy Markley, Class of 1932, in memory of their parents. Income from the fund assists worthy and needy students at Marietta College. It is the desire of the donors that the recipients of these grants make contributions to this fund to the extent that they were helped when they have reached a position where it is possible, and that these gifts be added to the principal so that the amount may grow to greater usefulness and thus serve more and more students in the years ahead.

The Dr. Ralph W. Eddy Scholarship was established in 2000 through the estate of his widow, Joyce Eddy for the purpose of providing scholarship support to one or more students at Marietta College. Dr. Eddy was a 1927 Marietta College graduate and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree by the college in 1952.

The Lewis S. Edison ’80 Memorial Scholarship was established by family and friends of Mr. Edison to recognize the education he received at Marietta College and to help make it possible for future petroleum engineering students to experience the excellence in academics and civic minded opportunity that Marietta College provides.

The Eggleston-Ekas Scholarship Fund was established in 1965 by the late Ward Leroy Ekas, M.D., Class of 1920, Sc. D. 1965, and his family. It honors the late Harla Ray Eggleston, head of the Department of Biology from 1915 until his retirement in 1960. The income from this fund assists worthy and needy students at Marietta College. It is the desire of the donors that first preference be given to students interested in the study of biology, chemistry, or petroleum in that sequence.

The Encana Oil and Gas (USA) Inc., Scholarship in Petroleum Engineering was established by Encana in 2006. This fund provides scholarship aid to undergraduate students majoring in petroleum engineering. Recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement, personal character, and leadership qualities. This scholarship may be renewed as long as the recipient maintains at least a 3.0 GPA and makes satisfactory progress towards the undergraduate degree.

The Beverly Enzie Ellis Alumni Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 by the Marietta College Board of Trustees as a memorial to a Marietta College alumna who served as a mentor and friend to Marietta students for almost 40 years. Mrs. Ellis, Class of 1955, worked in Marietta’s admissions office during her student days and continued on after graduation. In her role as admissions counselor and administrator, her first concern was always for the students and their success at the College. A member of Chi Omega sorority, she served as its advisor and was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church in Marietta. If there are sufficient funds, this endowment will provide one full and two half scholarships each year for Marietta College legacies who are full-time freshmen.

The Robert Evans Peoples Bank Scholarship was established in 2021 by Peoples Bank as part of the This is The Time Campaign. The fund provides scholarship aid to students who are in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need.

The Brooks F. and Alice Gilman Ellis Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1979 to provide assistance for worthy and needy students, first preference going to those who are residents of West Virginia. The fund memorializes Dr. Ellis and his wife, both residents of West Virginia at the time of their deaths in 1976 and 1977, respectively. He was a member of the Marietta College Class of 1923 and received an honorary Sc. D. degree from the College in 1953 in recognition of his worldwide reputation as a geologist and micro-paleontologist. Funds to establish this scholarship were made possible by Energy Resources Guild Inc., Tucson, Arizona, through the efforts of Weldon C. Humphrey Jr., president.

The C.B. Erwin Scholarship was provided through a bequest of Mr. Erwin. The scholarship is intended to provide assistance to worthy and needy students.

The Gerald “Jerry” L. Evans Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2019. Funds from this endowment are to provide an annual scholarship to a full-time, degree-seeking student with good academic standing, with first preference for those pursuing degrees in the areas of the Humanities including but not limited to English, History, Philosophy, Religion, Modern Languages, and Political Science.

The John H. Evans Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1978 by his widow, Mrs. Jane Evans, the Fenton Art Glass Co., where Mr. Evans worked for 22 years, and by relatives and friends. Mr. Evans was a member of the College’s Board of Trustees at the time of his death. Income from the fund is used for needy and worthy students from western Pennsylvania who attend Marietta College.

The Maria Faller-Gwaltney ’64 Memorial Scholarship was established in 2013 by the family of Maria Faller-Gwaltney, Class of 1964, who passed away in 1994. Maria, who grew up in Greece, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech. After graduation had a successful career as a radio reporter and bureau chief including responsibility for covering the White House, US Congress and political conventions. The scholarship was established to provide encouragement and assistance to academically superior students who might not otherwise be able to attend Marietta College. First preference is given to students majoring in Journalism and second preference to students majoring in one of the other concentrations in Communication and Media Studies. Recipients must be rising juniors or seniors and hold a minimum GPA of 3.25 and the scholarship is renewable as long as the recipient continues to be the most eligible student.

The John Fassett Follett Memorial Fund, established in 1957 by the will of Wanda Follett Granger in memory of her father, John Fassett Follett, valedictorian of the Class of 1855, provides one partial tuition scholarship awarded annually.

The Dorothea and Henry Fischbach Scholarship Fund was created provide incentive to a freshman at Marietta College who may rank in the lower academic quadrant of the incoming class. The recipient should have the potential to have a successful college experience, but may be ranked lower in the admitted class due to extenuating circumstances. This profile mirrors the experience of William C. Jones ’72 (a.k.a. “Zep”), who given the opportunity, fulfilled his academic potential to complete his college degree. Mr. Jones established the scholarship in 2005 in honor of his late mother and late stepfather.

The Harold H. Full Memorial Scholarship Fund, established in 1977 by Theodore N. Williams, a friend of the honoree, provides scholarship support to worthy and needy graduates of Dr. Full’s high school alma mater, Parkersburg (W. Va.) High School. Dr. Full, a professor of education at Queen’s College of the City University of New York at the time of his death in 1970, was a graduate of Marietta College in the Class of 1944.

The Valdis and Missy Hall Garoza Scholarship Fund was created in 2000 by Douglas C. Greene, Class of 1962. The fund honors Professor of Art, Valdis Garoza, and his wife, Missy, Class of 1994, and recognizes their dedication and personal involvement with the Classes of 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 in the students’ initiative that successfully resulted in the construction of The Gathering Place student recreation center, dedicated February 2000. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance to needy and worthy students majoring in Art, Graphic Design, or Art History.

The General Electric College Bowl-BP America Scholarship was established in 1966 from winnings earned by Marietta’s team on the network television show G. E. College Bowl. The television winnings were matched by the Standard Oil Company of Ohio, now BP America.

The Hans Gilde Scholarship Fund was established in 1992 by the former students of Dr. Hans Gilde, who taught organic chemistry at Marietta College from 1961 until his retirement in 1992. Income from this endowed fund is awarded as a partial tuition grant to the chemistry, biology, or petroleum engineering major who is the most deserving organic chemistry student and who has demonstrated leadership.

The Mary Ellen Williams Golby Scholarship was established in 2020 by the estate of Mary Ellen Williams Golby, '54. The scholarship supports full-time degree seeking students who demonstrate financial need.

The Bert T. Glaze Scholarship recognizes pre-professional achievement by a rising junior or senior student majoring in the Department of Business & Economics. The recipient must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.2 and have demonstrated a commitment to the business field within and outside the classroom but need not demonstrate financial need. The scholarship fund was created in 2000 by alumni to honor the late Bert T. Glaze, Professor of Economics from 1966 to 1986.

The Goodhue Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 by Sarah Goodhue Cunningham, Class of 1935, Phi Beta Kappa, to aid needy and worthy students. A member of Chi Omega sorority at Marietta, Mrs. Cunningham received her master’s degree in education from The Ohio State University and taught in Marietta City Schools. She later became a published, innovative Director of Elementary Education for Orange School District in the suburbs east of Cleveland. She and her late husband, Leslie Gordon Cunningham, were inveterate world travelers and lived in Burlington, Ontario, and Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. The fund recognizes the debt owed to Marietta College by Ralph A. Goodhue, Class of 1899, his wife Clara Cisler Goodhue, and their three alumnae daughters.

The Mary Ellen Williams Golby Scholarship was established in 2020 from the estate of Mary Ellen Williams Golby ’54. Income from the endowment will provide scholarships to any full-time, degree-seeking Marietta College student who demonstrates financial need.

The J. Ryan Graham Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1984 by Daniel and Jean Graham, parents of Ryan, a student at Marietta College until his death in 1983. Income from this fund provides scholarships to worthy and needy students from Washington County, Ohio, with particular emphasis on deserving graduates of Marietta Senior High School, Ryan’s alma mater.

The Hudson S. ’63 and Marilyn Melick ’64 Green Scholarship was created in 2004. Mr. and Mrs. Green met as students at Marietta College in 1961. In addition to Mr. and Mrs. Green, three members of their immediate family are also graduates of the College. Annual income from this fund provides financial assistance for a first-year student at Marietta College who intends to pursue studies in the humanities or the sciences. The award may be renewed each year as long as the student maintains satisfactory progress toward graduation within five years.

The Gordon B. Gray Fund, the income from which helps worthy students attend Marietta College, was created from gifts by Judge Gordon B. Gray of Athens, Ohio, Class of 1928. First preference for the scholarship is given to prelaw students.

The Great Teachers Scholarship Fund was established by a friend of the College in 1979 to honor present and former teachers at Marietta by providing funds to aid worthy and needy students. Recipients of the award are encouraged to make contributions to the fund when they have reached a position to do so, that the fund may grow and thus aid more and more students.

The Douglas C. Greene Scholarship was established in 1995 and is designated for worthy and needy students pursuing interests in entrepreneurship during the course of their education at Marietta College. Mr. Greene, a 1962 graduate of Marietta, where he received both a B.A. and B.S. degree in Business Administration, has been a highly successful entrepreneur during his career. The scholarship is awarded annually to students majoring in the Department of Business & Economics.

The Dr. Herschel G. Grose Memorial Endowed Fund was established in 2013 by Drs. Robert Monter ’62, Elliott Thrasher ’62, Gordon Prescott ’64, and Richard Givens ’62 to recognize their dedication and appreciation to their former professor and mentor, Dr. Herschel Grose. The income from this fund is used to benefit science students attending Marietta College. The recipients must have a minimum GPA of 3.2 and be undergraduate students at Marietta College and have successfully completed Organic Chemistry I and II along with the accompanying labs. Recipients must be recommended by the Chair of the Chemistry Department at Marietta College. The scholarship is not renewable, and funds will only be used for the reduction of tuition. One award of no more than $5,000 will be made each year.

The Raymond G. Guthrie Education Scholarship Fund, established in 1977 from gifts of former students, friends, and family, honors Professor Guthrie who taught in and headed the Marietta College Department of Education from 1927 until his retirement in 1965. Income from the fund assists worthy and needy students in the junior class preparing to teach in the public schools.

The Allan C. Hall Memorial Fund was established from memorial gifts to the College by members of Mr. Hall’s family and his friends, following his death in 1967. A member of the Class of 1911, Mr. Hall served as a trustee of the College from 1938 to 1960 and thereafter as an emeritus trustee. In 1948 the College awarded him an honorary degree. Income from the fund provides scholarship help to upperclassmen, preferably seniors, who intend to study medicine.

The William D. and Dorothea L. Hartz Scholarship was created by Robert B. Hartz ’69 in 1988 to honor his parents, William D. and Dorothea L. Hartz. The honorees were longtime residents of Glenshaw, Pennsylvania. Annual income from the fund provides assistance to a junior or senior with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better and demonstrated financial need.

The Hohman Scholarship Fund was established in 2001 by former students of Professor William H. Hohman. Initiated by Dr. David G. Stockwell, Class of 1969, the purpose of this fund is to provide an academic scholarship for a second- or third-year chemistry or biochemistry major based on their performance in the introductory chemistry courses. Dr. Hohman taught chemistry at Marietta College from 1965 to his retirement in 2001.

The Lawrence M. Howard Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1985 by family and friends of Mr. Howard, Class of 1941, whose lifelong writing and journalistic career spanned 44 years. Mr. Howard began his writing career in 1941 as a reporter for a Vermont newspaper, later working three years for a U.S. Army newspaper during World War II, and following the war, returning to Vermont where he held reporting and editing positions at two newspapers. In 1954 he joined the Providence (R.I.) Journal Bulletin as a reporter, and in 1966 became state news editor, advancing in 1971 to associate managing editor, the position he held at the time of his death. He was an officer and member of the board of directors of the New England Society of Newspaper Editors (NESNE), and since 1982 was actively involved in NESNE Soviet Union journalist exchange conferences to promote better understanding between the United States and the Soviet Union. The scholarship recognizes Mr. Howard’s lifelong commitment to the liberal arts and to excellence in creative and journalistic writing. The scholarship is open to juniors and seniors majoring in any subject who must apply by submitting a portfolio of writing samples to a committee composed of faculty from the English Department and at least two outside professional writers, one being an established creative writer and the other a seasoned journalist. The scholarship will be awarded entirely on writing merit without regard to financial need. Donors would appreciate recipients of the grant making contributions to this fund principal when possible so that the amount will grow and serve more students in future years.

The Donald C. Hubbard and John R. Henning Scholarship Fund was established in 2003 in honor of Marietta College graduates Donald Hubbard, Class of 1950, and John Henning, Class of 1956, by Columbia Natural Resources LLC, of Charleston, WV. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance to a student majoring in Petroleum Engineering or Geology at Marietta College with demonstrated financial need and in good academic standing.

The Hunter Freshman Scholarship Fund was established in 1966 by the will of the late Mrs. Essie W. Hunter of Columbus, Ohio, whose first husband, Ezekiel Wallace Patterson, was a graduate of the College in the Class of 1885. Income from the fund aids a worthy freshman student from the area served by the College.

The W. Bay Irvine, Freda Canfield Irvine, and Mabel Mae Canfield Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1985 under the will of Miss Canfield. She designated that it be used to assist worthy and deserving students. Dr. Irvine, a member of the Class of 1917, was the 12th president of Marietta College, serving from 1948 to 1963. His wife, Freda Irvine, sister of Mabel Canfield, completed her Marietta College degree in 1947. Dr. and Mrs. Irvine preceded Miss Canfield in death. The latter was a longtime public school teacher in Ohio.

The J. Glover and Mary Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in 1985 under the will of Dr. Johnson, professor of religion and philosophy at the College from 1946 to 1972. He stipulated that students with financial need be aided.

The Marshall C. and Marcia J. Kimball Music Education Scholarship was established in 2019 to recognize the lasting impact and contribution of Marshall and Marcia Kimball on the Music Education program and Marietta College. The scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman majoring in Music Education (either vocal or instrumental) who has completed auditions for acceptance into the department and has been accepted at Marietta College.

The Austin E. Knowlton Memorial Scholarship was established in 2013 by the Knowlton Foundation. First preference in selection is given to incoming students majoring in mathematics or a related field who are residents of Ohio. The scholarship is renewable. Mr. Knowlton, a graduate of Bellefontaine High School was the owner and chairman of the Knowlton Construction Company, which began in Bellefontaine in 1937. Through his company, Mr. Knowlton was responsible for over 600 major and significant construction projects throughout Ohio and the Midwest including school buildings, hospitals, libraries, and post offices.

The John and Dianne Brock Krahnert Scholarship was established in 2003 by Mr. and Mrs. Krahnert. Mrs. Krahnert is a graduate of the Class of 1955. Income from the fund provides financial assistance to rising junior and senior student(s) who demonstrate a worthy contribution to the theatre program and show potential for theatre as a profession. This award is renewable provided that the recipient maintains a minimum grade point average of 2.50 and is making normal progress toward completion of the degree in no more than five years.

The Ellis L. and Jennie Mae Krause Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1975 from gifts of former students, friends, and the family of Professor Ellis L. Krause, who taught chemistry at Marietta College from 1916 until his retirement in 1955. During most of that period he was head of the Department of Chemistry. Income from the fund is used to assist worthy students majoring in the disciplines of chemistry, physics or related sciences.

The Beatrice A. Kremer Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a member of the junior class who, in the judgment of the Department of English faculty, has compiled a distinguished record in English courses at Marietta College. Preference in selection is given to English majors who plan to teach that subject following graduation. The scholarship was established in 1970 in memory of Miss Beatrice A. Kremer, Class of 1930, who taught English in the Marietta public schools for more than 40 years. Original donors were her nephews: the late James F. Kremer, Class of 1935; Richard P. Kremer, Class of 1939; and Dr. Frederick J. Kremer, Class of 1943.

The Lesh Laurie Scholarship Fund was established in 1983 in memory of Josephine E. Lesh and Bessie H. Laurie, the respective mothers of the donors, Dr. Georgia E. Lesh Laurie, Class of 1960, and William F. Laurie. Income provides scholarships annually to a student or students in the sophomore through senior classes who plan careers in the health sciences.

Lewis-Riggs Business & Economics Scholarship was established in 1973 by members of the department’s faculty, alumni, and students in order to recognize outstanding scholarship in those fields. Basis for selection shall be as follows: juniors and seniors who have declared majors within the Department of Business & Economics, who have a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or better.

The Gill M. Lindamood Memorial Scholarship was funded by his son, Ralph M. Lindamood ’46, and his nephew, Robert L. Lindamood ’55. The award is given to a returning sophomore, junior, or senior student who demonstrates academic excellence and financial need.

The Hal H. Lloyd Science Scholarship Fund was established in 1965 by the will of the late Mrs. Lloyd in memory of her husband, the Rev. Hal H. Lloyd of Marietta. Income from the fund is used to assist needy students in the sophomore through senior classes who are working toward a major in one of the science departments.

The Lloyd Student Fund was established in 1966 from a bequest of Mrs. Myrtle Lloyd Lewis, of St. Petersburg, Florida, whose father, Rhys Rees Lloyd, was an 1884 graduate of Marietta College. Income from the fund provides scholarship assistance to worthy students. It was the desire of Mrs. Lewis that the recipients of these scholarships make contributions to this fund to the extent that they were helped when they have reached a position where it is possible, and that these gifts be added to the principal so that the amount may grow to greater usefulness and thus serve more and more students in the years ahead.

Carolyn Kay Oesterle Loeffler ’59 Memorial Scholarship will provide a student(s) majoring in Chemistry financial assistance for tuition, housing and/or related educational needs. Preference for student recipients should be given to eligible students from Washington County, Ohio with secondary preference given to eligible students from Ohio.

The Ronald L. Loreman Scholarship in Theatre Arts was established in 2005 by members of the Theatre Advisory Board, other alumni and friends of the College. The scholarship honors Ronald L. Loreman, Emeritus Professor of Communication and Theatre, who taught at the College from 1960 until his retirement in 2004. The purpose of the scholarship is to provide assistance to rising junior or senior students who have demonstrated worthy contributions to the theatre program and show potential for theatre as a profession. Selection of recipients shall be recommended by the faculty members of the Theatre Department.

The Harold and Constance Luther Scholarship Fund was established in 2000 by Kenneth M. ‘60 and Carol Pitzer Luther to honor his parents, Harold and Constance Luther. The purpose of this fund is to provide scholarship aid to worthy and needy students from the Greater Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky area.

The MacTaggart Special Scholarship Fund, given to the College in 1951 by the late Edward MacTaggart, Class of 1892, a former trustee, is used for needy and worthy students.

The Maher Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2019 by Diane Maher Burgess 1974 to promote student excellence in the areas of Math, Computing, and Information Systems and to fight gender inequality in the sciences. A student receiving this scholarship will be a major in the Math, Computing, and Information Systems Department and have a 3.0 GPA or higher. Preference will be given to students from a single-parent household.

Drs. Edwin ’59 and Jane Callander Michael ’60 Endowed Scholarship was established in 2022 by Edwin and Jane Callander Michael to provide assistance to a student in the discipline of Environmental Science who demonstrates financial need.

The Minnie Magee Scholarship Fund was established in 1984 by Mrs. Magee, a longtime resident of Marietta who attended many cultural and educational events at the College. Income from the fund provides a single scholarship each year for a worthy and deserving student with a grade point average between 2.0 and 2.9.

The Joseph and Elizabeth Forgas Mancuso Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1987 through a trust created by the late Mr. Mancuso, Class of 1930. Income from this fund provides assistance to needy students from eastern Ohio.

The Manley Memorial Scholarship was established in 1982 to assist worthy and needy juniors or seniors majoring in the humanities. Lucia Manley Hymes, Class of 1927, began the fund in memory of her brother Edward B. Manley, Class of 1926, and her father, Joseph Manley, who was a member of the faculty for 44 years (1893-1937). Professor Manley came to the College with an A.B. degree in the classics from Harvard and a distinguished record in college athletics. His first assignment at Marietta was to teach Greek and coach the football team. His later teaching years were devoted to history and political science, notably the history of Lincoln and the Civil War. He was Dean of the College from 1910 to 1916 and was acting president 1912-1913. At his retirement in 1937 the College awarded him an honorary L.L.D. degree.

The Marietta High School Class of 1932 Scholarship was established with donations from the members of that class. Income is awarded annually to worthy and needy students who have graduated from Marietta High School.

The Susan Marsch Scholarship was established to provide scholarship assistance to graduates of Washington State Community College who wish to complete the baccalaureate degree at Marietta College. Susan Marsch, a 1930 graduate of Marietta College, established the scholarship to pay tribute to her parents, Karl and Anna Schultheis Marsch and her sister, Mary Ann. Susan Marsch taught Business Education in Ohio high schools for 32 years and served as an officer in the United States Coast Guard (WR) for three years during World War II. This scholarship is the Marsch way of extending the helping hand of Christian fellowship to ensuing generations.

The Rocco and Elizabeth Manzo Scholarship was established by Rocco and Elizabeth Manzo to recognize their dedication to and appreciation of the education provided to Rocco Manzo at Marietta College. Rocco is a graduate of 1959 from the Petroleum Engineering Program at Marietta College. He enjoyed a successful career in the industry and has served the college as a loyal alumnus and former Marietta College Alumni Association board member. Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate student majoring in Petroleum Engineering and have successfully completed his or her first year. Scholarships are renewable as long as recipient maintain an acceptable GPA for continuing in Petroleum Engineering and is making satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree.

The Richard W. Mason Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in 1988 by his late parents, Clesson E. Mason, Class of 1917, and Eva Withington Mason. Lt. Richard W. Mason was a casualty of World War II.

The Wilbur D. Matson Scholarship Fund was established in 1966 through a bequest of Mr. Matson, publisher and editor of the Morgan County Herald at McConnelsville, Ohio, for many years, and an honorary alumnus of the College in the Class of 1964. Income from the fund provides scholarships for students from Morgan County, Ohio. Recipients are selected on a basis of character, scholarship, ability, and need.

Edward J. McCarthy Memorial Scholarship Fund provides financial support to a student(s) as defined by the College to be a junior or senior and majoring in Chemistry with an overall GPA of 2.8. The funds awarded to the student(s) will be in addition to any non-institutional aid and subject to current scholarship endowment policies.

The J. Robert McConnell and Abigail Welch McConnell Scholarship Fund was established in 1980 by a bequest from Mr. McConnell, a member of the Class of 1917, a native of nearby Macksburg, Ohio, and a resident of Wooster, Ohio, where he was a businessman. Income from the fund is to be used to aid worthy and needy students. First preference is to be given to premedical students.

The John B. and Jane T. McCoy Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Jane McCoy Peterson was established in 2014 by John B. and Jane T. McCoy to fund a scholarship in honor of John’s aunt, Jane McCoy Peterson, that will benefit Marietta College students with demonstrated financial need. The McCoy family has always played an important part of Marietta College’s place in the Marietta community. A scholarship to honor a devoted friend of Marietta College, Jane McCoy Peterson, and aid students with demonstrated need continues the long-standing connection between the McCoy family and Marietta College. Incoming freshman recipients must have a high school GPA of 3.0 and upper-class students must hold a minimum grade point average of 2.6. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need. Scholarships may be renewed annually provided the recipient maintains at least a 2.6 cumulative GPA and continues to make satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree.

The Virginia “Jinny” McCoy Scholarship was established in 2017 and recognizes the McCoy Family including John G. ’35 and Jeanne B. McCoy’s contributions to Marietta College, specifically Virginia McCoy. Selected recipients will have a strong academic record (as evidence by their high school curriculum, grades, and scores on national examinations), be involved in their school and community, have demonstrated financial need and be students of impeccable character. The Virginia McCoy Scholarship Program enables these exceptional young men and women to further develop these characteristics by providing full scholarship support (i.e., tuition, fees, room, board) for four years of study at Marietta College provided the McCoy Scholar meets the criteria for annual renewal of the scholarship. This award supersedes all other college funded awards. The deserving student in the program will be named the Virginia McCoy Scholar each year. To be considered for these scholarships, a prospective student must complete all admission application information by December 15th, prior to his or her freshman year of college and must be enrolled full time in a bachelor’s degree program. Scholarships are renewable if recipients maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 annually, are in good standing in the community and make standard academic progress while studying at Marietta College.

The Harry & Mabel McGrew Hook Petroleum Engineering Scholarship was established to provide scholarship support to students studying petroleum engineering at Marietta College. Scholarships shall be awarded to a student who meets the following criteria: incoming freshman or returning recipient must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher; recipient must be a person of high moral standards; scholarship may be renewed to the same person for up to three years and renewal must be made on the same basis and approved in the same manner as the initial award. Two faculty members or the chairperson in the Petroleum Engineering Department should provide final approval for the selected scholarship recipient.

The Vernon E. “Dan” McGrew Scholarship Fund was established in 1994 by the Marietta College Board of Trustees in memory of an alumnus and long-time administrator at the College. McGrew, Class of 1949, served his alma mater for 38 years as college editor, part-time faculty member, fund raiser, secretary to the Board of Trustees, and secretary of the College. When he retired in 1990, the Board recognized his devoted service by naming him an honorary trustee. Mr. McGrew also authored a volume of College history (1935-89) In the Various Branches of Useful Knowledge published in 1994. The McGrew Scholarship is designated for needy and worthy students studying in the Department of Media Studies.

The Joseph Green McMurry Scholarship Fund was established by a bequest of Mr. McMurry in 1980 in honor of his sister, Vera L. McMurry of La Jolla, California, who was a high school teacher of English in Minnesota, Montana, and California for almost 35 years. Income from the fund provides an annual scholarship with first preference being the outstanding member of the junior class preparing to teach in the field of English.

The Joseph Green McMurry and Vera Lucille McMurry Scholarship Fund was set up by the late Miss McMurry in a trust agreement in 1984. She directed that the fund be used to provide scholarships for worthy Marietta students who could not otherwise finance their education. The fund memorializes her and her brother. She was a Marietta College graduate in the Class of 1905 and taught school for many years.

Terry W. Milligan Chemistry Student Research Endowment was established to support students within the chemistry department. Funds will be used at the discretion of the chair to support student research in ways including but not limited to: purchasing supplies, instrument upkeep and funding student travel to scientific meetings.

The Florence Gross Morgan Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1967 by the late Dr. Charles S. Morgan, a member of the College faculty from 1914 to 1916, in memory of his wife, Class of 1911. Income from the fund provides a partial tuition scholarship each year to a student who intends to study or is studying in the field of fine arts at the College.

The Shawn Wilska Murphy ’64 Endowed Scholarship was established in 2021 by John R. Murphy ’63. The scholarship was established in honor and memory of Shawn Wilska Murphy ’64. Marietta provided a foundational experience in launching Shawn’s life of adventure, community service, and enduring relationships. Funds from this endowment support a full-time incoming first-year student and is renewable up to for years. Students must demonstrate financial need, leadership and service on campus or in the community, have a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA, and participate in the fine arts.

The Sarah Ethel Musgrave Scholarship was established in 1968 by a bequest from the estate of Sarah Ethel Musgrave, Class of 1920, of Parkersburg, West Virginia. Recipients must be from Wood County, West Virginia.

The Jane Evert Nast and Edith Nast DeClaude Scholarship Fund was funded by Philip H. Nast, Class of 1949, in memory of his wife, Jane, and his sister, Edith. Originally established in 1982 as the Philip and Hilja Nast Scholarship, the purpose of this fund is to provide scholarship assistance to students who demonstrate financial need.

The Lester E. ’37 and Virginia M. Noe ’37 Scholarship was established in 2008 through a trust established by Mr. and Mrs. Noe. Their goal was to provide encouragement and assistance to academically superior students who might not otherwise be able to attend Marietta College. Preference for receipt of the scholarship will be given to academically superior students majoring in English or in a pre-law track who are entering their junior or senior year. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need.

The Joy Lou Noland Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in 2021 by the Noland family to honor her not only as a loving wife, mother, and grandmother; but also, as a teacher who truly cared about her students. The funds primary preference is to provide financial aid to a student(s) as defined by the College to be majoring in Mathematics from the State of West Virginia. In the event that no students meet the primary criteria, the fund provides aid to student(s) from the following counties in the State of Ohio: Washington, Athens, Gallia, Meigs, Noble, Monroe, Lawrence, Jackson, Scioto, or Vinton.

The Walker H. Nye Memorial Fund, established by his widow, the late Wilma Bemis, of Shaker Heights, Ohio, and friends of the late Walker H. Nye, Class of 1910 and trustee of the College from 1942 until his death in 1955, provides a partial tuition scholarship for a worthy student. Preference will be given to students from the Cleveland, Ohio, area.

The Drs. James and Mabry O’Donnell Scholarship was established in 2008 by the children of two individuals who were Marietta College faculty members for 42 years. This scholarship recognizes the O’Donnell’s dedication to teaching excellence. Over the years Jim and Mabry counseled and advised hundreds of Marietta College students. Now successful adults, many of these alumni keep in touch with Jim or Mabry because they value them as both mentors and friends. In their work, Jim and Mabry O’Donnell continually fostered and enhanced the spirit and tradition of excellence in learning that has always identified Marietta College. Recipients must be upper-class students (sophomore, junior or senior rank) with declared majors in either history or communication studies. Scholarships may be renewed provided the recipient maintains a minimum GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale, remains a history or communication studies major and continues to make satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree. Financial need is not a requirement for this scholarship.

The Edward H. Osborne Scholarship Fund was initiated in 2001 by Timothy Cooper, Class of 1973 and his wife Sue to honor Professor Edward H. Osborne. Professor Osborne taught Management and Accounting courses at Marietta College from 1971 until his retirement in 2008. This fund provides scholarship assistance to students majoring in accounting.

The Mrs. Clyde H. (Maude Booth) Pape Scholarship Fund was established in 1967 through a gift from Mrs. Pape of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Income from the principal provides scholarship assistance for worthy and needy students of the College.

The James Brown and Emily Hiner Parke Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1991 through a bequest by these friends of the College. Income from the fund is to aid worthy students.

The Merrill Reeves Patterson Scholarships, annual awards of up to $1,000 each, are made to five worthy and needy students from the junior and/or senior classes who have demonstrated the qualities of scholarship, service, and leadership exemplified by Dr. Patterson during his 38 years of service to Marietta College, 1934 to 1972. The designation honors Dr. Patterson, who taught English throughout the period and was Academic Dean of the College from 1948 until 1967 and Director of Academic Advising from 1968 until his retirement in 1972.

The Matthew and Stephanie Peloquin Scholarship was established in 2018 by Matthew and Stephanie Peloquin, both graduated in 2006 with a degree in Petroleum Engineering and Business Economics, respectively. The Peloquins recognize the value of their liberal arts education at Marietta College and feel it has made a valuable difference in their lives. Matthew and Stephanie view this scholarship as an opportunity to express their gratitude to the College for the education they received and as a way to enable future students to experience the excellence in academics, service, and civic-minded opportunity that Marietta College provides. Preference will be awarded to students majoring in either Petroleum Engineering or a major within the Department of Business and Economics. Incoming freshman recipients must have a high school GPA average of 3.0 and upper-class students must hold a minimum GPA of 3.0. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need. Scholarships may be renewed annually provided the recipient maintains at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA and continues to make satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree.

The Pendleton Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2020 by Paul E. and Miriam Richards Pendleton, both classes of 1967. The scholarship provides aid to student(s) who are successful in the classroom and have overcome obstacles to reach their success with a preference toward an Education major.

The Peoples Bank Scholarship Fund was established by that Marietta firm in 1985 to provide scholarships for worthy and deserving students.

The Jane McCoy Peterson Memorial Scholarship was established by Mrs. Peterson’s daughter, Dorothy (Darcy) Peterson Fowler, and her husband, Mark Fowler. The Fowlers wished to create a lasting memorial to Mrs. Peterson that would benefit students attending Marietta College. Recipients must have graduated from high school with grade point averages of no less than 3.25 on a 4.0 scale and major in an undergraduate program of study at Marietta College. Scholarships are renewable provided the recipients maintain at least a 3.0 GPA and make satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree.

The Jacob W. and Carol Strachan Pfaff Scholarship was established in 1986 by Jacob Pfaff, Class of 1936, and Carol Strachan Pfaff, Class of 1938, of Marietta. Income from the Pfaff fund is awarded annually to students who exhibit qualities of leadership and academic achievement and/or financial need. The Pfaff Scholarships are awarded without regard to major field of study or place of residence.

The Clark R. Pigott Scholarship Fund was established in 1972 by Mrs. Bobbie R. Pigott of Wichita, Kansas, in memory of her late husband, who attended Marietta College with the Class of 1917. The income from the fund is devoted each year to scholarships for deserving (academically and financially) students majoring in athletic training, petroleum engineering or music theatre. These were three strong areas of interest to Clark Pigott.

The Jack E. Prince Academic Merit Scholarship Fund was established in 2001 by Eric S. Dobkin, Class of 1964 and Barbara Berman Dobkin, Class of 1965. The scholarship honors Emeritus Professor of Economics Jack E. Prince, who taught at Marietta College from 1954 until his retirement in 1985. The purpose of this fund is to provide an annual award to an entering freshman student. The scholarship will be renewed for up to three additional years provided that the recipient maintains at least a 3.0 grade point average (or its equivalent). The recipient need not demonstrate financial need.

The Jack E. Prince Scholarship Fund was established in 1985 by friends and former students of Professor Prince who taught in the Department of Business & Economics at the College from 1954 until his retirement in 1985. Income from the fund will be awarded to those students majoring in the social sciences who by their junior year have been active in student government and/or other services to the College community.

The David Putnam Memorial Scholarship Fund, established in 1971 by the late Miss Hazel Putnam Roach of Athens, Ohio, and the late Mrs. Aldine (Wescott) R. Flegal of Zanesville, Ohio, is available for general scholarship aid. The fund honors David Putnam (1769-1856), the first preceptor of Marietta’s Muskingum Academy, and the great-grandfather of the donors.

The Douglas Putnam Fund, established in 1953 by Douglas Putnam, valedictorian of the Class of 1881, is available for general scholarship aid. The fund honors Douglas Putnam (1806-1894), grandfather of the donor and secretary of the College trustees for 60 years.

The Jerry and Linda Rebrook Memorial Scholarship was established by their son Jason, Class of 1996 and his spouse Erin Conroy Rebrook, Class of 1999. During their time as students Jason and Erin observed and benefitted from the generosity of other members of the Long Blue Line who provided funds for scholarships, internships and employment. This is their opportunity to express their gratitude to the College for their educations and a way to enable future students to enjoy a similar educational experience. Recipients must be majoring in petroleum engineering and have demonstrated financial need. An incoming freshman must have a high school GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale; upper-class students must maintain a GPA of 2.6 on a 4.0 scale. Scholarships are renewable as long as the GPA requirement is met, and the student makes satisfactory progress toward graduation.

The Renner Scholarship, was established in 1986, by Charles V. Renner, Class of 1936 in memory of his parents, Lucille Schmidt Renner and Tony E. Renner of Parkersburg, West Virginia. The scholarship is to be awarded to students from Parkersburg High School, Parkersburg South High School, or Parkersburg Catholic High School.

The Ralph B. and Lena Hardman Richardson Scholarship was created by Marilyn Hardman Self in memory of her uncle and aunt, Ralph B. Richardson, Class of 1912 and Lena Hardman Richardson, Class of 1914. The award is to provide scholarships to students who demonstrate financial need and who are pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering, or math.

Rickey Scholarships are awarded to students interested in physics at Marietta College. Recipients are selected on the basis of excellent academic achievement, and the scholarship is renewable on an annual basis provided the recipient continues to major in physics and maintains a grade point average of at least 3.000. The award may include a summer study stipend for physics research. The Rickey Scholarships were established in 2000 by David M. Rickey, Class of 1978 and the J&D Family Foundation.

The J. J. Riggs Scholarship Fund was established in 1981 by Mr. Riggs, Class of 1948. Income from this fund provides financial assistance to worthy students from Wood and Pleasants Counties, West Virginia, with particular emphasis on deserving graduates of St. Mary’s High School, St. Mary’s, West Virginia, the donor’s alma mater.

The Ford Rinard Memorial Scholarship Fund – The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance to a junior or senior student with a major in the Business & Economics Department. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need and without regard to class standing. This fund shall be utilized to benefit students from the Appalachian states of Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, or the Carolinas.

The Walter and Joan Rinard Scholarship was established in their honor in 2001. The scholarship is awarded annually to petroleum engineering students in good academic standing with demonstrated financial need.

The Milo C. Ritton Foundation Scholarship was established in 2021 by the Milo C. Ritton Foundation and Par Mar Stores. Annual income provides aid to student(s) enrolled full-time in undergraduate study at Marietta College demonstrating financial need who are in good academic standing. The scholarship is renewable for up to 8 semesters of undergraduate study.

The Bob and Karen Roberts Scholarship was established by Mr. Roberts, Class of 1979 and his spouse. Recipients must be rising sophomores, juniors or seniors majoring in petroleum engineering. Recipients must hold a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Scholarships may be renewed if the recipient maintains at least the minimum GPA and makes satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree in petroleum engineering. Recipients must be recommended by the chairman of the Department of Petroleum Engineering and Geology.

The Roberts Fund was established in 1995 by the will of Anna Elizabeth Roberts Peaker, Class of 1928. Mrs. Peaker was a resident of Williamstown, West Virginia, and later moved to DeLand, Florida. Annual income of the fund provides assistance to worthy students of Marietta College, particularly students from Wirt and Wood counties of West Virginia.

The Dr. Victor M. Ruby Memorial Scholarship was established by the adult children of Dr. Victor M and Sonia Ruby to recognize their appreciation and admiration of their father for his service to Marietta College and the education he and his six children, Edward, Leon, Marianne, Rosalind, Samuel and Richard (deceased) received. Funds from this endowment are to benefit a student attending Marietta College who is a graduate of Atlantic City High School or any other high school in Atlantic City, New Jersey or Marietta High School, in Washington County, OH.

The Galen and Ruth Roush Endowed Scholarship was established by the GAR Foundation of Akron through a gift to Campaign 150 in 1985, income from which is to be awarded annually to a student or students from the Akron area who need financial assistance.

The Jean-Jacques Rousseau Scholarship, formerly the Jean-Jacques Rousseau Award, is awarded to a student in good standing progressing toward a degree, a component of which includes study abroad and/or study of a foreign language. Should the College reinstate a program granting a degree in foreign languages, students in such programs will be given priority

The Edward B. Ruby, Leon A. Ruby, Rosalind Ruby, Samuel R. Ruby, and Richard G. Ruby Scholarship Funds were established by their parents, Victor M. Ruby, M.D., Class of 1942, and Sonia Bender Ruby of Atlantic City, N. J., to honor their children, who are members of the Marietta College classes of 1967, 1969, 1972, 1972, and 1974, respectively. In the above order of their names, awards are made to deserving students in biology, mathematics, psychology, chemistry/physics, and physical education/sports medicine. Recipients shall have completed a full year at the College.

The Joseph and Betty Rutter Scholarship was established in 2014 by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rutter. Mr. Rutter graduated from Marietta College in 1948 and is grateful for the education he received. The Rutters have lived in Ohio for most of their lives – in Marietta since 1986 – and desire to assist others who aspire to a liberal arts education as offered by Marietta College. Scholarships are limited to $10,000 each and are awarded to students who are graduates of recognized public high schools in the states of Ohio or West Virginia, with preference given to graduates from Washington, Monroe, and Noble counties in Ohio. Preference is given to students majoring in a science. Recipients must have a demonstrated financial need and incoming freshman recipients must have a high school GPA of 3.0. Upper-class students must hold a minimum GPA of 2.6. Scholarships may be renewed annually provided the recipient maintains at least a 2.6 cumulative GPA and continues to make satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree.

The Lewis and Marie Ryan Scholarship Fund was established in 1986 from a trust of the late Lewis D. Ryan, Class of 1922, of Wichita Falls, Texas. The fund’s income benefits deserving Marietta College students majoring in mathematics and/or science (or who propose to enter the College to so major), and whose academic standing is in the upper 10 percent of the class, and who, without such financial assistance, might not be able to attend Marietta College.

The Charlene C. Samples Creative Writing Scholarship was established by former Board of Trustee member Charlene C. Samples, Class of 1977. Ms. Samples established this award to foster and reward creative writing and to recognize the value of writing in the pursuit of any successful career. This scholarship is open to incoming freshmen and upper-class students and is renewable for four years. Applicants will annually submit a portfolio demonstrating their writing skills. Portfolios will be read and evaluated by a Writing Review Committee, which will make recommendations for awards.

The John E. Sandt Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1989 under the will of the late Mr. Sandt, teacher and administrator at Marietta College for 43 years. Income from the fund provides scholarship assistance to students of the College for tuition and for defraying living expenses while enrolled. Mr. Sandt taught mathematics, education, and astronomy, was the College’s first dean of men, and in 1961 was named bell master to oversee the ringing of the chimes in Erwin Hall.

The Frederick W. Schafer Scholarship Fund was established in 1989 from a bequest by the late Mr. Schafer of Laguna Hills, California, for a scholarship in his name. He was a member of the Class of 1929.

The Henry Benedict Schwartz Scholarship was created by a bequest of Henry C. Schwartz, Emeritus Professor of Languages, who taught from 1959 until his retirement in 1980, to honor the memory of his father. The scholarship is awarded to a student in good standing progressing toward a degree, a component of which includes study abroad and/or study of a foreign language. Should the College reinstate a program granting a degree in foreign languages, students in such programs will be given priority.

The Science Scholarship Fund, established in 1951 by a friend of the College, provides partial tuition scholarships for the coming year, as circumstances direct. They are awarded to needy and worthy students in the sophomore through senior classes majoring in the sciences.

The Jack M. Scott Memorial Scholarship was established in 1970 from memorial gifts made by friends of the late Mr. Scott, Class of 1952, who served the College as Director of College-High School Relations from 1954 to 1962, Director of Admissions from 1962 to 1968, and Director of Services from 1968 until his death in 1970. Income from the fund provides aid to a deserving student.

The Scott/Homsher Scholarship was established by Earl and Dianne Homsher in memory of Jack Scott, who helped make Dianne's education at Marietta College possible while serving as the Director of Admissions. In addition to Earl and Dianne, a third Homsher attended Marietta College, Michael '66. After Marietta, Michael was an artillery officer in the U.S. Army and later taught high school math and science classes at North Haven High School. Michael passed away in January 2015. This scholarship is to be awarded to a student who shows great academic achievement with a minimum GPA of 3.5 and needs financial assistance to make their MC experience possible. The scholarship will be awarded to an entering freshman and shall be renewed for 3 years as long as the student stays academically eligible.

The Captain Douglas Milton Seeley and J. Philip Seeley Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 by Dorothy Seeley in honor of her son, Douglas, Class of 1964, and husband. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance to a deserving student who demonstrates financial need to attend Marietta College. The recipient should be a veteran, the spouse of a veteran, or the dependent child of a veteran. (An eligible veteran is defined as an individual that served or is serving on active duty, other than training, within the Armed Services of the United States, who received an honorable discharge as verified by form DD214 or other comparable government document or is serving on active duty.) Preference will be given to a first-year student who is a resident of Washington County or Ohio.

The Sesquicentennial Scholarship Fund derives from general gifts made by alumni and friends to the endowed scholarship objective of Campaign 150, concluding with Marietta College’s 150th anniversary in 1984-85.

The Joseph A. Sheehan ’36 Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 in memory of Mr. Sheehan by Sara M. Sheehan (Mrs. Joseph A. Sheehan) and their daughter Anne S. Schick. The income from this fund is awarded annually to current students who are in need of financial assistance. Mr. Sheehan, Class of 1936, was a thirty-six-year employee of IBM that provided a matching grant to the scholarship fund.

The William M. Sheppard Scholarship honors William M. “Shep” Sheppard, a Marietta College professor and administrator whose high standard of ethics and passion for the craft of journalism inspired students over several decades. Mr. Sheppard served as the faculty adviser for the Marcolian and the Mariettana for many of those years. This scholarship will be awarded each year to the student selected to be the editor of the College newspaper, the Marcolian, for the following academic year. The student chosen each year shall be referred to as the Sheppard Editor of the Marcolian. The scholarship will be presented at the annual Honors Convocation each spring. The scholarship also allows for an additional award for a student with a minor or major in Journalism/Broadcasting who demonstrates financial need.

The Robert and Shirley Showalter Scholarship was established in 2001 to provide financial assistance to a Williamstown, West Virginia, high school graduate. The award may be given to an incoming freshman or a transfer student and is renewable annually as long as the recipient makes normal progress toward graduation and maintains a minimum grade point average of 2.5. Robert E. Showalter, Class of 1959, is a graduate of Williamstown High School.

The Merrill L. Shutts Memorial Scholarship honors Mr. Shutts who graduated from Marietta College with a degree in sociology in 1937. During his time on campus, Mr. Shutts was a proud member of the football team and continued to support the team throughout his life. In recognition of his commitment to the value of a liberal arts education and life’s lessons learned on the football field, his daughter Dianne Shutts Cary and her husband A. Bray Cary, Jr., established this scholarship in Mr. Shutts’ name. Recipients must engage in a course of study leading to an undergraduate degree consistent with a career in the social service sector and must have documented financial need. First preference will be given to students graduating from Williamstown High School in Williamstown, West Virginia; secondary preference will be given to students from other Wood County, West Virginia high schools; third preference will be given to students from counties contiguous to Wood County. Scholarships may be renewed annually for a maximum of three years.

The Smart Arts and Sciences Scholarship Endowment was established by David B. Smart, Class of 1951, in memory of Harry L., Helen B. and Dorice E. Smart. Its purpose is to encourage the study of the liberal arts disciplines of economics, English, history, modern languages, philosophy, political science, religion, biology, chemistry, geology, mathematics, and physics. It is awarded to students majoring in one of these fields and maintaining at least a 3.33 (B+) GPA.

The Frank Edward Smith Memorial Scholarship was established in 1997 by Franklin L. and Reatha Sue Smith, Marietta residents, in memory of their son. The income from the fund provides scholarship assistance, renewable for four years, to students who demonstrate financial need, a strong high school record, citizenship, morality, service and work ethic. Preference is given to graduates from Marietta High School or other Washington County (OH) high schools.

The Lemotto Smith Scholarship Fund was established in 1988 from a trust of Lemotto Smith. Income from the fund benefits deserving graduates of St. Mary’s High School, St. Mary’s, West Virginia, who have achieved a cumulative high school GPA of 3.25 or higher and plan to attend Marietta College.

The Nellie Best Speary Memorial Fund, established in 1945 under the will of the late C. Frederick Speary, provides an income from which a partial tuition grant is awarded annually to a worthy student.

The Dr. Steve Spilatro Endowed Scholarship fund was established in 2022 in honor of Professor Steve Spilatro, who began his career at Marietta College in 1988, and has made a significant impact on the campus community. The scholarship supports a Marietta College undergraduate alumnus/a enrolled in Marietta College Physician Assistant program who demonstrates financial need. The scholarship will be granted to a first-year student and is renewable for up to two year through the completion of the PA Program.

The Percy Staats Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry or Physics was established in 2021 by Nancy S. Dailey, Ruth Ann Mabry, Thomas E, Staats, and Theresa S. Tipton. Income from the fund supports a deserving and worthy full-time student demonstrating financial need at Marietta College studying chemistry or physics. The student shall be in good academic standing. The scholarship may be renewed for a maximum of eight semesters.

The Warren G. Steel/Dwayne D. Stone Annual Scholarship was established in 2002 by Trustee David W. Worthington, Class of 1966, and his wife, Beverly, to honor Emeriti Professors Warren G. Steel and Dwayne D. Stone. Income from the fund provides scholarship assistance to students who demonstrate financial need and who are majoring in geology.

The Max, Martha, and Alfred M. Stern Fund was established in 1958 in memory of Mrs. Stern and her late husband and son, Max and Alfred M. Stern of Cincinnati. Income from the fund may be used for grants or loans to students, favored consideration to be given any worthy individual with serious sight impairment, or worthy students evidencing interest in the advancement of good local government; otherwise, to students the College considers qualified to receive such grants or loans.

The Glenna Granniss Stewart '53 Endowed Scholarship was established in 2019 by Glenna's family to honor Glenna's appreciation for and long commitment to the college. Funds from the scholarship are used to help need-based student(s) that reside outside of Ohio.

The Dr. Gloria M. Stewart Scholarship is open to all enrolled Physician Assistant students preparing to enter their clinical phase of study. Students meeting any of the following are recommended to apply for this scholarship: demonstrated financial need by having completed the FAFSA; students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and communities; 1st generation college students and health care providers; non-traditional students; students currently caring for dependents. All applicants should have also demonstrated the following in the PA program during their didactic phase: professional demeanor with outgoing and positive attitude; respectful interactions with faculty, staff and other students; team-based mindset shown by willingness to help others and participation in MCPA student society, program events and the local community.

The Larry Stoltzfus ’86 and Marty Hupp ’86 Endowed Scholarship was established in 2021 by Ben Ebenhack, Robert W. Chase, and Don P. Conkle along with friends and family in memory of Larry and Marty. Funds from the scholarship are to be used to help undergraduate students enrolled full-time at Marietta College who are studying Petroleum Engineering or Environmental Engineering. Students must demonstrate financial need and remain in good academic standing. The scholarship is renewable for a maximum of 8 semesters of undergraduate study.

The Harry G. and Violet Straley Scholarship Fund was established in 1994 by the late Harry Goff Straley, Class of 1930, of Charleston, West Virginia. Income from the fund will be awarded to students with good academic standing at the College, with preference given to students from West Virginia.

The Study Abroad Grant is awarded on a competitive basis to a full-time student to help offset the cost of studying abroad in a duly recognized program for one or two semesters, or for a summer program with a minimum of six hours of transferable credit. The selection committee consists of the faculty involved in foreign language instruction along with two members of the faculty from other departments. The selection committee is the sole interpreter of the conditions of the grant and may, depending on circumstances, reassign the grant to an alternate, who is to be named at the time of the original selection. For additional information, consult with the modern languages department chair.

The Ralph Edmunds Surber Veterans Scholarship Fund was established by the estate of Robert Reed Keadle ’49 and his wife, Diane. Funds from this endowment provide scholarship assistance to a veteran or veterans of the United States armed services, or dependents of veterans, to attend Marietta College. An eligible veteran is defined as an individual who is serving on active duty or who served within the armed services who received an honorable discharge. A student must maintain a 2.5 overall GPA in order to remain eligible for consideration of this scholarship.

The William M. Summers Memorial Scholarship Fund, established in 1967 by a friend of the honoree, assists worthy and needy students of Marietta College in the fields of economics and business administration. The fund honors the late William M. Summers of Marietta, a member of the Class of 1926 and a trustee of the College from 1950 until his death in 1969.

The James D. and Agnes B. Sweeney Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 by James D. Sweeney, Class of 1931, of St. Mary’s, West Virginia. The scholarship may only be awarded to qualified applicants from Pleasants County, West Virginia, seeking admission to Marietta College. The recipients shall be advised in writing that it is the desire of James D. and Agnes B. Sweeney that said recipients make contributions to the scholarship fund as they are financially able do so.

The Tarr Family Scholarship was established in 1989 by Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Tarr and daughter, Christine Tarr Gabreski, Class of 1970. Scholarships are awarded annually to students from western Pennsylvania who exhibit qualities of academic achievement and financial need. In making scholarship awards, preference will be given to students from the Titusville, Pennsylvania, area.

The Elmer Templeton Scholarship was established in 2006 by Marietta College alumni to honor Elmer Templeton’s exceptional career as an educator at Marietta College. The scholarship is intended to provide encouragement and assistance to deserving students who might not otherwise be able to attend Marietta College. Awards may be made to undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who have graduated from a high school in Washington County, Ohio (secondary location preference to students from other area counties). Each recipient must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better and make satisfactory progress toward graduation. Annual individual awards may not exceed $5,000.

The William F. Thiessen, Jr. '61 Memorial Scholarship was established in 2022 by the estate of William F. Thiessen, Jr. The scholarship provides aid to full-time students who are sophomores or above and who maintain a 3.0 GPA or above. The scholarship is renewable for up to 3 years.

The Thrash-Henderson Mathematics Experiential Education Fund was established in 2021 by Wendy A. Thrash ’67 and Donna Henderson to support and underwrite experiential education opportunities for students majoring in Mathematics or Computer Science. Funds may be used but are not limited to student travel, research, conference fees, housing expenses, stipends, etc.

The Thrash-Henderson Scholarship for Mathematics was established in 2021 by Wendy A. Thrash ’67 and Donna Henderson. This scholarship supports students accepted to study at Marietta College with a preference to those majoring in Mathematics or Computer Science, with priority preference for a student from Ritchie County, WV.

The Thrasher Family Health Sciences Scholarship Fund was established in 2018 as a part of the This Is The Time campaign. The scholarship recipient(s) shall be selected, at the recommendation of the Chairs of the Biology and Chemistry Departments, to a student who has successfully completed their first year of college, based on merit and need.

Dr. Fred Voner Memorial Award will be given annually to an outstanding Geology student (junior or senior year) selected by the Geology faculty and/or the department chair.

The Ira Owen Wade-Mabel Hamilton Wade Scholarships were created in 1983 under the will of Professor Wade, who taught modern languages at Marietta College (1919-1921) and later at Princeton University. The late Mrs. Wade, a member of the Marietta College Class of 1920, also taught languages at a private school in Princeton, New Jersey. Annual income provides scholarships to rising juniors or seniors who have established themselves as superior students in the humanities. In awarding the Wade Scholarships, the College shall, in accordance with Professor Wade’s will, consider the following qualities of applicants: scholastic attainment, integrity, responsibility, industry, stamina, and imagination.

The Charles A. Ward and Kenneth R. Ward Memorial Scholarship Fund is an outgrowth of a fund created in 1942 in memory of Charles A. Ward, Class of 1890, and a trustee of the College from 1914 to his death in 1939. A bequest in 1987 from Marjorie F. Ward, widow of Kenneth R. Ward, Class of 1922, and son of Charles A. Ward, permitted the original fund to be increased and the scholarship renamed to memorialize father and son. Annual income provides assistance to a student or students above freshman rank. Selection is based only on financial need.

The William W. Ward ’54 and William T. Ward ’76 Endowed Scholarship was established by William T. Ward in 2019. Bill’s father, William W. Ward, was a 1954 graduate who majored in Petroleum Engineering and excelled academically. He and his wife Catherine lived in Marietta during his last year of college and loved the town and the institution. With this scholarship, Bill hoped to also honor their legacy and love for Marietta College.

The Walter Webber Scholarship was established in 2001 by the Marietta College Board of Trustees to honor the service of fellow trustee Walter E. Webber, Class of 1965, and to provide financial assistance to worthy and deserving students.

The Margaret S. West Student Fund was established in 1966 from a bequest of Margaret S. West, a graduate of the College in the Class of 1913. Income from the fund is used to aid worthy students.

The Dr. Michele H. Willard Memorial Scholarship was established in 2019 by Arnold J. Civins ’71 in memory of Professor Michele H. Willard who taught at Marietta College from 1967 until 1981. The scholarship supports students with financial need majoring in either political science or history. Recipients should have at least a 3.0 GPA.

The William O. Whetsell Scholarship was established in 1983 from gifts from former students and friends of the retired professor of physical education (1947-1983); athletic director (1959-1969); coach of varsity sports: basketball (1947-1960), cross-country (1964-1978), golf (1955-1987); and intramurals director (1959-1983). The endowment was established to benefit Marietta College students who excel academically and best exemplify those qualities Mr. Whetsell espoused in his life and career: teamwork, collaboration, self-discipline, communication, negotiation, and personal health and wellness. Recipients must be undergraduate students and have successfully completed their first year and be involved in extra-curricular activities on campus, preferably in more than one activity or program. First time recipients must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Scholarships are renewable as long as the recipient maintains a GPA of 3.0 and is making satisfactory progress towards an undergraduate degree.

The Helen Middleswart Whitaker Scholarship Fund was established in 1987 by the late Ernst Whitaker of Delray Beach, Florida. The scholarships are given annually in memory of Helen Middleswart Whitaker, Class of 1922, Sally Whitaker Schramm, and Sue Whitaker Mori, Class of 1956.

The Albert B. White Fund is derived from two bequests, that of Albert B. White, a member of the Class of 1878, a trustee of the College from 1892 to 1899 and a former governor of the State of West Virginia; and the bequest of his daughter, Mrs. Ethel W. Hiteshew of Parkersburg, West Virginia to perpetuate the memory of her father. The income from the fund provides scholarships for worthy students from West Virginia, particularly those students from Wood County.

The Theodore R. Wieber Memorial Scholarship was established in 1996 by his wife, Mildred L. Wieber and their three children: Theodore, Jr., Lisa A., and Russell E. Wieber. Mr. Wieber was a 1952 graduate of Marietta College and retired as a senior vice president of Exxon International in 1980. Recipients of the Scholarship must be in need of financial assistance, must have appropriate academic ability, and must maintain at least a B average at Marietta College to obtain the scholarship. First preference in awarding this scholarship is given to students preparing to enter the field of business or science.

The Wilkes Family Scholarship was established by James and Margaret Wilkes in 2007 in recognition of their children, Rebecca ‘80, Tracey, Scott, and Ted ‘85, as well as many other family connections to Marietta College. Recipients must major in petroleum engineering and/or geology, have demonstrated financial need and an appropriate grade point average (3.0 for incoming freshmen and 2.6 for upper-class students). Scholarships are renewable.

The Wilson-Abels Scholarship for partial and/or full scholarships, was created by Elizabeth Wilson Abels Class of 1937, through a bequest in her will. The award is named for Mrs. Abels and her husband, G. Richard Abels ‘39. Mrs. Abels directed that the Wilson-Abels Scholarship be awarded to worthy students from the Parkersburg, West Virginia and Belpre, Ohio areas.

The Wittlig Family Scholarship Fund was created from bequests of the Wittlig family. Contributors included: Alfred H. Wittlig, Class of 1921, and his late wife, Constance DeKalb Wittlig; Norman T. Wittlig, Class of 1927; Paul F. Wittlig, Class of 1933, and Laurence P. Wittlig, Class of 1932. Income from the fund is used to aid worthy students.

The William Henry Wolfe Scholarship Program was established by the late William Henry Wolfe of Parkersburg, West Virginia, A.B. Class of 1899, LL.D. 1950, and trustee of the College from 1912 to 1946. This program is being continued in his memory by his family to assist worthy students from Parkersburg and the surrounding area.

The Frederic Jarvis Wood II Scholarship was established in 1990 by Frederic S. and Patricia Wood in memory of their son Frederic Jarvis Wood, Class of 1981. Income from the scholarship is awarded annually to either a worthy or needy junior or senior concentrating on studies in history. The student shall be chosen by a committee consisting of faculty members from the department of history.

The David W. and Beverly S. Worthington Geology Scholarship was established in 2012 by Mr. Worthington, Class of 1966 and Mrs. Worthington as a way to express their gratitude to the College for his education and to help make it possible for future geosciences students to experience the excellence in academics and civic minded opportunity that Marietta College provides. Recipients must be rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors majoring in geology or a related geosciences field. Scholarships may be renewed annually provided the recipient continues to make satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree. Financial need is not a consideration or this scholarship.

The Worthington Endowment Scholarship for the study of Geology, Energy, and Sustainability was established in 2022 by David W. '66 and Beverly Worthington. The scholarship supports a full-time student with financial need majoring in geology, petroleum engineering, or a related energy/sustainability degree offered by Marietta College. This scholarship is renewable if the student remains in good academic standing.

The Bernadine Haycock Wyckoff and J. Walter Wyckoff Scholarship Fund was established in 1988 and provides help for students in the earth sciences who without such assistance might not be able to obtain a college education. Mr. Wyckoff was a member of the Class of 1919.

The Xiaoxiong Yi Scholarship Fund was established in 2019 by Tong Zhang ’97, Founder of Chinergy Capital, to honor Dr. Xiaoxiong Yi’s thirty years of service to the College and over twenty-five years of dedication to the College’s China Program and Chinese students enrolled at Marietta. The endowed scholarship recipients should be admitted by the College and from the Marietta, Ohio area.

The David F. Young Alumni Scholarship Fund was established in 1985 by former students and friends of Professor Young (1921-1986), Class of 1948, to honor his teaching career in biology, from 1949 to 1986. One award is given annually to a student majoring in Biology with demonstrated financial need. Selection is made by the Department of Biology and Environmental Science in cooperation with the Office of Financial Aid. First preference is given to students who have completed their junior year and have demonstrated outstanding devotion and enthusiasm for the study of Biology.

Additional scholarship assistance is provided by annual grants from a number of sources, including:

  • The Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Scholarship
  • ConocoPhillips Company
  • The Chesapeake Energy Corporation Scholarship
  • The ChevronTexaco Scholarship
  • The John D. and Kim S. McGrew Honorary Scholarship
  • Marathon Oil Company
  • The Knowlton Foundation
  • The Society of Petroleum Engineers Appalachian Scholarship
  • The UNOCAL Scholarship