2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Undergraduate Graduation Requirements

Records Office

Website: https://www.marietta.edu/records-registration

Registrar: Tina Hickman (records@marietta.edu)

Assistant Registrar: Tisha Smith (tms005@marietta.edu)


Undergraduate Graduation Requirements - Bachelor's Degrees

The following pages detail the various components that make up a Marietta College degree. The student is responsible for reading and regularly reviewing these requirements and the related policies and procedures that govern the academic program being followed, including all college-level requirements that apply across majors. Of course, we understand that this can be overwhelming and to assist students in their academic progress, all undergraduate, degree-seeking students will select or be assigned an academic advisor. See Academic Advising for more information. The academic advisor is available to help students interpret and follow the various academic requirements and policies, as are the Registrar and Assistant Registrar. In cases where there is a disagreement of interpretation of part of the curriculum requirements, the Academic Standards Committee will be the final arbiter.

The student is responsible for notifying the Records Office via their MC email or by submission of applicable forms concerning the addition or removal of a major, minor, or certificate from the program of study. It also is important that all changes in the student's schedule be reported to the Records Office and within the published timeframes (see Registration for more information).  

To receive a bachelor’s degree from Marietta College the following requirements must all be satisfied:

  1. The Credit Requirement
  2. General Education Requirements:
    1. The Pioneer Path
    2. The Distribution Requirement
    3. The Language Proficiency Requirement
    4. The Experiential Educational Requirement
  3. The Upper-level Courses Requirement
  4. The Major Requirement
  5. The Secondary Concentration Requirement
  6. The Grade Point Requirements
    1. Overall
    2. Major, Minor, Certificate
  7. The Residency Requirement
  8. The Graduation Application Requirement

Undergraduate students usually earn degrees using the graduation requirements of the Catalog in effect at the time of matriculation. Students may choose to switch to a more current Catalog in force during their time as a degree-seeking student at Marietta subject to the following restrictions:

  1. With continuous enrollment, excluding approved leave of absence, students may complete the general education/graduation requirements from any Catalog in effect within the six academic years after matriculation or ten years for Continuing Education students.
  2. Students who add or change a major(s), minor(s), or certificate(s) must meet all requirements for the new program(s) as described in the most recently published catalog at the time the program addition or change is declared with the Records Office.
    1. In extreme cases in which a significant change in a program’s curriculum would prevent a student from completing the newly declared program within the scheduled graduation period, the department chair may grant permission for the student to complete the program requirements under a previous catalog, no earlier than the student’s date of matriculation
  3. Students who are readmitted after two or more consecutive semesters away from the College must meet the requirements from the catalog in place at the time of readmission.
  4. Readmitted students who change or add major(s), minor(s), or certificate(s) after readmission must meet all requirements for the new program(s) as described in the most recently published catalog at the time the program addition or change is declared with the Records Office