2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Academic Policies and Practices - Graduate

To Graduate Students at Marietta College

From Dr. Janet L. Bland, Provost

You have decided to earn an advanced degree at Marietta College. I commend your ambition and wish you well. I hope that your time here will be productive, stimulating, and enjoyable and that you will find friends and colleagues along the way. Our graduate programs are small but of high quality. Like our undergraduate programs, our graduate programs offer a learning environment where faculty care about teaching and know their students personally. You have chosen well!

We expect graduate students to be highly motivated and self-directed, so you should expect a workload that is significantly more strenuous than your undergraduate experience. You will be challenged to master new materials, to become more efficient at solving problems, to work more effectively with others, and to articulate your ideas orally and in writing. Meeting these challenges will be an accomplishment of which you can be very proud.

Each program has its own admission requirements, thesis or final project guidelines, required grade point average to continue in the program, and time limit. The director of each graduate program and the faculty in that program make the final decisions about admission and determine whether students remain in good academic standing. I know you will attend to those policies carefully.

The following section explains some guidelines that apply across all Marietta College master’s programs, and these also merit your attention. Please read carefully the section below on academic dishonesty, since plagiarism and other kinds of academic dishonesty carry very severe penalties. You can also learn here how grades are calculated, how transfer credits work, and what recourse you have to appeal a grade or other decision. Should a student appeal a grade, a charge of academic dishonesty, or the time limit for completion of a degree, the student can appeal first to the director of the program and then to the Graduate Council, who makes the final decision.

I hope you thrive and grow in this next stage of your academic life. I wish you success at Marietta College and in the profession for which you are preparing.

The following policies and practices apply to all the graduate programs described in this Catalog.