2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Pioneer Alert Network: Registration

In order to receive information to their personal devices, members of the Marietta College community must register their information. All members of the Marietta College community are encouraged to register for the Pioneer Alert Network.

To enter or update emergency notification information, please follow these instructions:

  • Log on to “MyMarietta
  • Go to the left hand side of the site
  • Go to User Account, click “emergency information”
  • Enter emergency contact information and confidential missing person’s contact information
  • Click “submit” and the information will be entered into Marietta College’s Datatel system (campus-wide data base)

You may update emergency contact information at any time when necessary by completing the same process as indicated above.

Students are also encouraged to register for the Washington County Emergency Alerts by visiting http://www.washingtongov.org/AlertCenter.aspx.


During the Earthquake

  • Remain where you are whether it is inside, outside, or in a car. Inside: get under heavy furniture such as a study table or desk, under interior door frames, or braced in an interior corner away from shelves, mirrors, or windows. Outside: move away from the sides of buildings, power poles, lampposts, and walls.
  • Wait a few moments after the shaking stops before leaving cover.

After the Earthquake

  • Evacuate if there is immediate danger.
  • Report serious injuries or hazards to the Marietta College Police Department, 740-376-3333.
  • Be prepared for unpredictable aftershocks, which can cause significant additional damage.


Fire Alarm Warning System

All residence halls have a fire alarm warning system to alert the occupants of fire and are tested each semester.

Any person who intentionally causes a false alarm, or initiates or circulates a report or warning of an alleged or impending fire, explosion, crime or other catastrophe when such a report or warning is known to be false, is guilty of Inducing Panic (Section 2917.31 of the Ohio Revised Code). Inducing panic is a misdemeanor of the first degree and is punishable up to $1,000 fine and six (6) months in jail, and is also a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Causing a fire alarm, whether with knowledge or by negligent behavior, may result in disciplinary action. If causing a fire alarm results in physical harm to any person or property, the violator is guilty of a felony of the fourth degree, which is punishable by up to a $2,550 fine and five (5) years in jail.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are placed in all buildings for extinguishing small fires. Fire extinguishers should not be tampered with or used for purposes other than extinguishing fires, and it is illegal to use this equipment for other than firefighting. Discharging a fire extinguisher when there is not a legitimate reason to do so is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

Smoke Detectors/Sprinkler Systems

All residence hall hallways and rooms have smoke detectors connected to the building fire alarm system. If any smoke alarm is activated the building alarm system will sound to evacuate the building and Marietta College Police and the City of Marietta Fire Department will respond.

In addition to smoke detectors, Dorothy Webster Hall, Fayerweather Hall, Harrison Hall, and McCoy Hall rooms and hallways are equipped with heat-activated sprinkler heads connected to the fire alarm systems. If a sprinkler head is activated, the building alarm system will sound to evacuate the building and Marietta College Police and the City of Marietta Fire Department will respond.

If a smoke detector, sprinkler head, manual pull station, horn or strobe alarm, or fire extinguisher appears to be malfunctioning or is damaged, Office of Community Living Staff or the Marietta College Police should be contacted immediately and informed of the problem.

Fire Safety

Anyone seeing fire or smoke in or near their room, should immediately call 911, and give them their name, the name of their building, the floor number or area of the building, room number and what they see. If the fire is in their room, they should leave their room immediately and close the door. While exiting the building, the resident should pull the nearest fire alarm at the first opportunity and alert other occupants of their floor or suite.

Residents, and their guests, must evacuate the building in accordance with the building’s fire evacuation plan any time a fire alarm sounds. Failure to evacuate is a violation of state law and subjects you to arrest, possible fine, and/or student conduct action on campus.

If residents are in their room and the fire alarm sounds for evacuation, they should first check their door to ensure it is not warm or hot to the touch. If it is warm or hot to the touch, they should not open the door and should instead remain in the room. If the hallway is filled with smoke and/or flames, residents should stay in their room with their door closed and should seal spaces around the door with towels or sheets to keep smoke from entering the room. If smoke does enter the room, residents should open one window slightly. Residents should hang something noticeable out of their window such as a towel or sheet to draw attention to their room. Under these conditions only, the screen may be removed to indicate residents’ locations to the fire department personnel. If residents cannot open a window, or if they are in as room with no windows, they should remain close to the floor as the best breathing air will be in the 18 inches above the floor. Residents should never break a window unless it is absolutely ne

It is the Resident Assistants’ responsibility to inform residents of these procedures at the first floor meeting and to answer questions students may have about evacuating the building.

It is not their responsibility to knock on doors and ensure that everyone is off the floor. They are instructed to assist the Fire Department and the Marietta College Police with crowd control and other duties as assigned.

In the event that a student becomes temporarily disabled and is not able to follow proper evacuation procedures, she/he should contact the Office of Community Living and request to be placed on the “Temporarily Disabled List.” Further instructions regarding evacuation will be provided.

Should residents have any questions, they should seek out a member of the Office of Community Living immediately for clarification. All students will be held responsible for all College and residence hall policies at all times during the evacuation process.

Planned Fire Drills

Fire drills are required by law to be conducted 4 times per year, with the first occurring within 10 days of occupancy. Fire drills are unannounced, and need to vary in terms of time of the day that they are conducted and time of the week. At least one drill must be conducted in the evening. All buildings are to be evacuated, and Office of Community Living staff members and Marietta College Police will be present to ensure that all students evacuate and follow Marietta College policies and procedures.


On occasion after heavy rains or melting snow, students may need to move automobiles due to flooding. An Office of Community Living staff member or College Police will notify students if it is necessary for residents to move their vehicles, or if other actions are necessary.

Power Outage

If a power outage occurs, residents should stay in their rooms. Office of Community Living staff members and College Police will make frequent rounds until the power returns. A power outage in no way alters the regulation that prohibits burning of candles or any open-flame device in residence hall rooms.


Tornado Watch: When a watch has been issued, conditions are right for a tornado to develop.

Students should be prepared to take shelter and stay informed of the latest storm conditions. In addition, students should familiarize themselves with the list of safe places to take shelter in the event of a tornado.

Tornado Warning: A tornado warning means a tornado has been sighted and confirmed in the area. Residents should take cover immediately and carry shoes and blankets with them to the shelter areas. Elevators should not be used.

Tornado Shelter Areas First Year Complex:

  • Dorothy Webster Hall: basement
  • Elsie Newton Hall: first floor hallway
  • Marietta Hall: first floor hallway
  • Mary Beach: first floor hallway
  • Russell Hall: first floor hallway and first floor bathrooms

Upperclass Complex:

  • A&H: first floor bathroom
  • Delta Tau Delta: first floor hallway and guest bathroom
  • Fayerweather Hall: basement hallway and basement bathroom
  • Harmar: behind bar in common area, guest bathrooms on first floor
  • Harrison Hall: first floor hallway
  • Hopewell: first floor bathroom
  • McCoy Hall: first floor hallways and laundry room
  • Pioneer: first floor bathroom

If the shelter areas listed do not provide sufficient space, interior stairwells and bathrooms may be used, provided they do not contain windows.