2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

2. General Education

The College believes that a foundation in the traditional liberal arts is an essential preparation for any career. The General Education requirement provides opportunities to study in breadth and complement the in-depth study required of a major. A student’s general education and work in his or her major run in parallel through a student’s time at Marietta. The General Education program at Marietta is based on the College’s Seven Core Values and requires study across a distribution of areas.

The Pioneer Path Requirement (12 Hours)

The Pioneer Path provides a common intellectual experience for all Marietta College students. The Pioneer Path is designed to support student learning and success by intentionally tying together the various degree components...the General Education, the Major, and the secondary concentration(s)...so that the whole of a Marietta College education is greater than the sum of its parts.

The core courses that form the Pioneer Path provide mile-posts for students to measure their progress toward graduation while fostering student growth in essential intellectual skills, as well as personal/social responsibilities vital to success in all areas of life, benefits that will continue long after graduation.

To this end, Marietta College students will complete the following requirements:

PIO 101 Information Literacy

WRIT 102 College Composition*

COMM 203 Fundamentals of Communication*

A Capstone Course in the major

Transfer students matriculating at Marietta College with 24 or more credits, excluding those completed while a high school student, are exempted from taking PIO 101/102. However, a transfer student section of PIO 102 is available for transfer students who may find the course beneficial in acclimating to the Marietta College community.

Students required to enroll in PIO 101 and/or PIO 102 may not drop or withdraw from the course without special permission from the Associate Provost.

*Students whose ACT/SAT scores and/or high school GPA are below expected minimums may be required to take WRIT 101 Basics of Composition before enrolling in WRIT 102. A minimum grade of C- is required in WRIT 102 before students may enroll in COMM 203, which also requires completion with a C- or better to fulfill the graduation requirement.



All majors will include a capstone course or combination of courses. These capstone experiences will culminate and synthesize the learning that has taken place over the entire undergraduate career, building not only on the courses within the major, but also exercising the student’s abilities in writing, speaking, thinking critically, and solving problems. While the specific form of the Capstone varies across the programs, it should include independent (individual or group) work. Examples include original research, an internship, artistic performance or creation, a teaching practicum, a practical consultancy that applies theory and knowledge to a business or other organization, etc.


The Distribution Requirement (28 Hours)

In addition to completing the 12 credits of Core PioPathway Courses, a student must also complete 28 hours across the following five Distribution Categories:

Quantitative Reasoning - QR (3 Hours)

Quantitative Reasoning courses focus on the process by which problems are described mathematically and solved within a structured mathematical framework, as well as to the manipulation and interpretation of numerical categorical information. Courses with the MATH prefix generally are eligible for the Quantitative Reasoning distribution category.

Artistic Expression - AE (6 Hours)

Artistic Expression courses focus on participation in and examination of aesthetic creation. Through art, individuals and groups explore the intersections of ideas and feelings, as well as the relationship between literal and figurative expression. Courses with the following prefixes generally are eligible for the Artistic Expression distribution category:

ART, DANC, ENGL. GRPH, MUSC, THEA, WRIT (excluding WRIT 101/102)

Civilization & Culture - CC (6 Hours)

Civilization and Culture courses focus on how cultural, linguistic, philosophical, political, economic, and religious structures within localities and regions work with and against each other to form civilizations. It further examines how structures of the past relate to those found in our present world. Courses with the following prefixes generally are eligible for the Civilization & Culture distribution category:


Social Analysis - SA (6 Hours)

Social Analysis courses focus on systematized efforts to understand human behavior and relationships. It converts complex human actions and interactions into observable, testable, interpretable data. Courses with the following prefixes generally are eligible for the Social Analysis distribution category:


Scientific Inquiry - SIB (includes lab) SIC (non-lab) (7-8 Hours including at least one lecture/lab course)

Scientific Inquiry courses focus on systematized efforts to understand the living and non-living natural world. It demonstrates how laws of nature are inferred, isolated, observed, tested, interpreted, and shared. Courses with the following prefixes generally are eligible for the Scientific Inquiry distribution category:


Course Eligibility Exceptions

Courses outside of these categories may be eligible

Some courses not within these disciplines have been deemed eligible to fulfill Distribution Requirements by the Curriculum Committee and are labeled in the Course Descriptions and online Course Schedule with the appropriate category.

Courses within these categories may not be eligible

Similarly, some courses within these disciplines have been excluded from the distribution category noted. These too are identified in the college descriptions and course schedule.

NOTE: Co-curricular hours can fulfill a maximum of three (3) credit hours per Distribution category. Additionally, internships and other types of individualized study may not be applied toward the Distribution Requirement.

The Diversity & Global Perspectives Requirement (6 Hours)

Diversity and Global Perspectives courses prepare students to live and work in a diverse society and a connected, interdependent world. These courses prepare students to understand diversity within their own society, the role of culture in shaping human lives, and the relations among groups of people. Dimensions of diversity include but are not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, physical or mental ability, religion, language, socio-economic status, and sexual orientation. While any two MX courses will fulfill the requirement, a student whose first course is in a language is encouraged to fulfill the second requirement with a second course in that language.

Diversity and Global Perspectives courses must address at least two of the following:

1. Culture: Focus on at least one culture through the study of one or more of the following: social structures, religions, historical traditions and customs, languages, politics, economics, etc.

2. Diversity: Explore the diverse backgrounds and characteristics found among humans through the examination of at least one of the following: age, disability, ethnicity, gender, language, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or social class.

3. Global Perspectives: Compare and understand some factor or set of issues in different cultures in a global context. For examples, see lists in criteria 1 and 2.

Some courses may carry designation for Diversity (X)/Global Perspectives (M) and one of the distribution requirements. However, a single course may only be applied to one of these requirements. For example, GEND 101 may be applied to the Diversity & Global Perspectives requirement OR the Civilization & Culture requirement but may not fulfill both.


Communication Proficiency Requirement (3 Hours)

Communication Proficiency courses are upper-level courses provide advanced instruction in writing/oral communication skills introduced in the WRIT 102 and COMM 203 components of the PioPathway. Students will complete one three-credit communication course after successful completion of both WRIT 102 and COMM 203 with a grade of C- or better. 

The Communication Proficiency requirement may be fulfilled with any course carrying the "W" designation and may include courses also being applied to the student's general education, major, or secondary concentration.

The Experiential Education Requirement (0-3 Hours)

Centered in the Institutional Student Learning Outcome (ISLO) of Integrative Learning, the Experiential Education requirement -- the Pioneer TRAIL -- is a deep learning opportunity that challenges students to engage in the integrative process of experiential education. Building across the curriculum and co-curriculum, students learn to Transfer theory to practice, Reflect on the experience and its impact on their sense of self, Actively experience knowledge through application, Integrate relevant experience and academic knowledge, and foster an appreciation for Life-long learning.

Every student must successfully complete at least one (1) approved transcribed and graded experiential education component in order to graduate from Marietta College.

Students may complete the experiential education requirement in one of five areas:

International Experience

  • International Study Abroad Semester
  • International Short-Term Trips, including faculty-led trips

Research or Creative Project

  • Research—A quality research experience in which a student is involved in:
    • The formation of the research question(s) and hypothesis(es);
    • The methodological design of the research study;
    • Maneuvering through the appropriate review channels (IRB, etc.);
    • The collection, analysis, and interpretation of data;
    • A presentation of the material related to their specific project.
  • Creative Project—An applied work or an artistic creation, such as an art show, a music composition, or the writing of a play. The work should include a self-standing explanatory text.

Service Learning

  • Service learning is a form of experiential education that offers students a structured and academically rigorous way to engage in community service. Students participate in community-based projects, volunteer opportunities, or research that is integrated into course curriculum and overseen by instructors.


  • An internship is a work and learning experience shaped by reflection and goal-setting. Internships should be completed under the mentorship of an instructor or advisor and an on-site supervisor.

Leadership Development

  • Student leadership development will occur through structured and rigorous curricular and co-curricular offerings. Students will participate in leadership and/or followership roles on projects overseen by course instructors and integrated into course design and delivery. Completion of these projects includes a critical reflection that connects leadership and followership with academic content.