2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Academic Dishonesty Procedures

I. Complainant is the instructor

  1. If the instructor is the complainant, the instructor will confer with the department chair. (If the department chair is the complainant, the chair will consult with another chair within the academic division). The chair and instructor will decide on an appropriate penalty, ranging from a deduction of points on the assignment to an F on the assignment or an F in the course. Even if no penalty is exacted, the instructor will meet with the student to explain academic conventions and community standards and to reinforce the importance of academic honesty.
  2. If a penalty is to be exacted, the instructor will inform the student of the allegation and the penalty. This may be done in person at the instructor’s discretion. Depending on the timing within the semester, a face-to-face meeting may not be possible. With or without such a meeting, the student must also be informed in writing (or e-mail), stating the allegation descriptively and the specific nature of the penalty. The communication will include information on the process to be followed if the student wishes to contest an allegation or a penalty, i.e., as described in Appeals Procedure for Charges of Academic Dishonesty.
  3. The chair and the Provost will receive a copy of the written communication to the student, that may also include a report on the face-to-face communication with the student if one occurred. Any relevant documentation should be sent to the Provost.
  4. An undergraduate student wishing to contest an allegation or a penalty should follow the procedures for appeal described below. A graduate student wishing to contest an allegation or a penalty should follow Step II of the Procedure for Academic Grievances as described under Graduate Student Academic Grievances, initiating the process in person or by e-mail within one month of having received the instructor’s written notification. If there is no contact within one month, whether in person or by e-mail, the Provost will assume that the student accepts the charge and the penalty.
  5. The Provost sends the student a letter in hard copy summarizing the charge and the penalty.
  6. The Provost will maintain a list of students charged with and found responsible for academic dishonesty. A student’s name is removed from this list and the document destroyed seven years after the student’s graduation or separation from the College, whichever comes first.

II. Complainant is not the instructor

If the person wishing to file the allegation is not the instructor of the course, that person informs the instructor of the allegation. The instructor will ask the complainant to submit the allegation in writing (email or letter) with documentation to the extent possible. The instructor will confer with the department chair to determine if the allegation has validity. (If the department chair is the complainant, the chair will consult with a senior member of the department or another chair within the academic division.) If the instructor and the chair determine that the complaint does not have merit, the chair will inform the complainant that the allegation was considered but will not be pursued. If the complaint is judged to have merit, the instructor proceeds as listed above.