2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Academic Status

Full-time Students

The minimum semester load for a full-time student is 12 semester hours of courses. The normal semester load for the Bachelor degree is 15 to 18 hours. This load typically allows students to complete the Bachelor degree within four years.

Students with a 3.00 or greater cumulative grade point average, or those who can demonstrate a need to do so, may take more than 18 hours with the permission of their advisor and the Registrar. Consult the section of the catalog on “Table of Fees” concerning the fee for hours in excess of 18.

Part-time Students

Anyone may enroll as a part-time student. Part-time students are limited to academic work totaling 11 hours (but usually take less) for credit in any one semester, whether taken in day or evening sessions or both.

Part-time students may not participate in intercollegiate sports or certain extracurricular activities, and may not affiliate with College fraternities or sororities. Part-time students are charged on a semester-hour basis.

Continuing Education Students

Continuing Education status is open to students of 24 years of age or older and those who have previously completed a bachelor’s degree. Additional detail regarding the part-time enrollment status can be found in the Continuing Education section.