2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Academic Probation and Dismissal

Students whose cumulative grade point average falls below the 3.000 requirement will be placed on Academic Probation, and their academic progress will be closely monitored by their academic advisor and the Program Director. When the student’s GPA rises above 3.000, they will be removed from Academic Probation.

Students on track to receive a fifth course grade of “C” in the didactic phase will have the option to withdraw from and retake the course the following year (see Deceleration Policy in the PA Student Handbook). Students choosing to remain in the course and earn their fifth “C” will be dismissed from the Program.

Students on track to receive one (1) course grade below “C” may have the option of remediation (See Remediation Policy in the PA Student Handbook). Didactic students not eligible for remediation have the option to withdraw from and retake the course the following year (see Deceleration Policy). Students choosing to remain in the course and earning a grade below “C” will be dismissed from the Program. Earning more than two (2) original, remediated or decelerated course or rotational grades below “C” will result in automatic Program dismissal.

Students remaining on Academic Probation for three (3) consecutive semesters will be dismissed from the Program.

See the Physician Assistant Studies Student Handbook, available from the program director, for full policy details regarding Remediation and Deceleration.