2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook


Marietta College is committed to preserving a student’s privacy. Under certain circumstances, some information may need to be shared with other College departments in order to assist the student, provide for safety, or provide for the safety of the campus community.

How the College will respond

Reports are directed to the Chair of the Bias Incident Response Team. Representatives from the following offices may be called upon to comprise the Response Team:

  • Marietta College Police Department
  • Marietta City Police Department
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Community Standards, Rights and Responsibilities
  • Community Living
  • Department where the incident occurred
  • Office of the Provost
  • Student(s) targeted
  • Student organization(s) targeted

Among the steps the Bias Incident Response Team may take:

  • Determine the need for temporary or permanent change in housing
  • Address possible fear of retaliation
  • Provide phone numbers for the reporting student to call in emergency
  • Make additional referrals to counseling, medical care, student conduct, police, etc.
  • Recommend that police issue a community alert or statement if appropriate
  • With police input, determine if the incident rises to the level of a crime
  • Discuss privacy and confidentiality issues
  • Discuss options for resolving the matter
  • Discuss process of adjudication with reporting student
  • Determine if disciplinary action is appropriate
  • Provide regular status reports to reporting student(s) until case is closed
  • Designate an administrator for follow-up
  • Implement appropriate restorative justice techniques or methods

The Response Team will take into account:

  • Wishes of the reporting student(s)
  • Wishes of a targeted organization
  • Whether a case is under police investigation
  • Confidentiality due to the situation
  • Difficulty in identifying the perpetrator