2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Missing Student Notification Policy

Any individual (parent, student, faculty, staff member) who believes that a student is missing should immediately notify the Marietta College Police Department at (740) 376-3333. College Police will follow established departmental policy in the investigation of a missing student. If College Police is unsuccessful in locating the student or it is apparent from the beginning that the student is missing the following will occur:

  • If a resident student has not been seen on campus for more than 24 hours, acquaintances do not know where the student may be, and College Police, as a result of their investigation, has determined the person to be missing the Dean of Students or designee will be notified.
  • The Vice President for Student Life or designee will attempt to contact the missing student’s confidential contact.
  • Students under the age of 18 will have their parents notified if they are determined missing for more than 24 hours.

Students are given the option of designating a confidential contact person on their Emergency Information Form who will be contacted if the student is determined missing. The Emergency Information Form is located in the “Emergency Information” section of MyMarietta.

At the College’s discretion, in addition to a confidential contact, the College reserves the right to contact a parent and/or guardian. If entry is needed into a residential student’s room the presence of an Assistant Director of Community Living and a Marietta College Police Officer will be required. The Vice President for Student Life or designee will be responsible for communicating with the family or relatives of the missing person.