2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Student Conduct Process and Sanctioning

Student Conduct Procedures: Complaints

Any member of the College community may file a complaint against any student alleging a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. There is no time limit on reporting violations of the Student Code of Conduct; however, the longer someone waits to report an offense, the harder it becomes for College officials to obtain information and witness statements and to make determinations regarding alleged violations. Therefore, complaints should be submitted as soon as possible after the event takes place, generally within 30 days of the alleged incident. Reports of violations of the Student Code of Conduct can be made online, using the Incident Reporting Form. Complaints are forwarded to the Office of Community Standards, Rights, and Responsibilities for adjudication. The Associate Dean of Students/Director of Campus Involvement or designee may request that the Marietta College Police Department investigate the incident.

Acts committed off-campus, but related to the security, well-being or reputation of the College or the College community, its educational Mission, its programs, and study abroad programs are subject to disciplinary action.

Upon receipt of information of a violation in which the accused’s presence on campus raises concern for public safety, under the authority of the Vice President for Student Life or designee, the person may be required to leave campus until the disposition of the case is completed.

In the case of alleged sexual misconduct, stalking, domestic violence and dating violence, academic and living arrangements may be modified upon request by the complainant, provided that such arrangements are reasonably available at the College. If modifications are made, there is no presumption that the respondent is responsible. Those involved in a sexual misconduct case will also be notified of on-campus and off-campus support services at the time a report is made. Please see the Sexual Misconduct Policy for additional information.

In cases involving misconduct by a student organization, the case may be referred to the Student Accountability Board, depending on the nature of the alleged violations. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to: censure, suspension of recruitment privileges (or other applicable procedures), suspension or revocation of charter, or denial of recognition or registration as well as other appropriate sanctions permitted under this Code. In circumstances where urgent attention is required, the Vice President for Student Life, or their designee, may determine whether a violation has occurred and may implement necessary disciplinary measures. Individual members of organizations may also be held accountable for their actions in these incidents and are subject to the usual disciplinary procedures.

Disciplinary Authorities

All alleged cases of student misconduct are referred to the Office of Community Standards, Rights, and Responsibilities for adjudication. The duties of the conduct officers of this office are to:

  1. determine appropriate charges;
  2. review all evidence available;
  3. determine, based on a preponderance of the evidence, whether the respondent is responsible for a violation of the Marietta College Student Code of Conduct
  4. determine appropriate sanctions when necessary;
  5. allow for reflection and education.

Requests for Appeals

Requests for appeals are permitted for all aspects of the student conduct process.