2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Student Conduct Sanctioning

The sanctions listed below may be applied separately or in combination. Other appropriate sanctions that would enhance the educational value of disciplinary proceedings may be applied in a given case.


Written notification that certain conduct or actions are in violation of College regulations and that continuation of such conduct or actions may result in further disciplinary action.

Educational Sanctions

A requirement to conduct research, complete a reading and response paper, prepare and present a program, attend an educational program, undergo evaluation for counseling or engage in other educational activities related to the violation.


Payment of a specific amount of money as determined by the circumstances of a particular case.


Reimbursement for damage to, or misappropriation of property. Restitution may take the form of monetary or material replacement not in excess of the loss incurred.

Community Service

Assignment to volunteer for a specific period of time under supervision as reparation within the community where the violation occurred.

Loss of Privileges

Limitation of College-related activities or services for a specific period of time, consistent with the offence committed, including but not limited to:

  1. eligibility to serve as an officer or member of any College organization, to participate in intercollegiate competition or to receive any award from the College;
  2. housing probation;
  3. removal from housing;
  4. restriction from using specific facilities and services;
  5. denial of on-campus use of an automobile;
  6. hold on enrollment;
  7. hold on forwarding personal records to external institution or individuals until satisfactory completion of disciplinary sanctions.

College Probation

A specific period of observation and review of behavior including terms appropriate to the violation committed during which the student must demonstrate compliance with College regulations and the terms of the probationary period. Failure to comply with the College’s policies and completion of assigned sanctions may result in suspension or expulsion.


Removal from the College community for a designated period of time, which may include specific requirements that must be fulfilled prior to reinstatement within the College community. Students who are suspended from Marietta College are prohibited from being on-campus, in any campus building or residence hall, or from utilizing any services provided by Marietta College throughout the period they are suspended from the institution, without written permission from the Vice President for Student Life.


Permanent separation of the student from the College. Students who are expelled from Marietta College are prohibited from being on-campus, in any campus building or residence hall, or from utilizing any services provided by Marietta College, without written permission from the Vice President for Student Life.

In exceptional circumstances, the Vice President for Student Life (or designee) may suspend a student or take other disciplinary action pending a hearing.